wah dah more than a month tak update my blog
niat nak update tu selalu jer muncul tp tak sempat
nak kata busy giler tak jugak...
nak update on alya's 4 mths progress ni...
anyway according to welcomebabyhome.com
this is what 4 mth old baby capable of:
The typical four-month old is well equipped to explore. She sees many colors. She is alert to sounds. She is easily able to lift her torso to a 45 degrees angle when on tummy. She can focus well. She can reach for objects more easily. At a social level, she is more vocal now; screeches delightfully just to hear herself. Her face is more animated, giving you more clues about her moods. She can even read your facial expressions. Toys become an integral part of play and a potential source of hazard as well.!Alhamdulillah alya's pun nampaknya cam kena jer ngan sume explaination tu...
will put up her latest pics soon...
tak syok lak cite without pics kan...
till then......... adios!!!