and wiser.........yes? no?
alhamdulillah still diberi peluang utk bernafas
dimuka bumi ini dan tgk anak2 membesar...
diberi kebahagiaan dan kesihatan yg baik...
semoga terus diberkati dan dirahmati oleh Allah s.w.t... amin
Thursday, August 27, 2009
6 Ramadhan 1430..........
alhamdulillah dah hampir 6 hari berpuasa... and this year ada new comer kat umah... cik kak tu alhamdulillah dah pose penuh tahun ni... ye lah dah 7 thn dah umornya so tak leh kompromi lg... cite pasal pose si Aisyah...
1st day - lps kul 12pm dah start asyik lapar jer disebutnya...
berjaya jugak menghabiskan her 1st day...
2nd day - lps kul 2pm tak silap... dok asyik dahaga..dahaga jer kejanya
alhamdulillah berjaya gak dia pose penuh...
3rd day - dah tak de apa2 komplain pasal lapo or dahaga...
and alhamdulillah dia ok till hari ni... si aliff kira dah pro... as long sahur insyaAllah takde masalah for him to fast... so i have to make sure that i wake up for sahur or else mcm tahun lps ada terlambat sket bangun still suruh dia sahur gak walau dah azan... klu tak dia konpem tak tahan nak pose....
pasal lauk pulak... still able to cook lauk utk berbuka baru dua kali pegi beli kuih/air utk berbuka dan mmg dah niat this year nak kurangkan beli mknn kat bazar apa menu utk hari ni...?
Hopefully ada yg siapkan as a present heheheheh..........
Selamat berpuasa utk semua..........
1st day - lps kul 12pm dah start asyik lapar jer disebutnya...
berjaya jugak menghabiskan her 1st day...
2nd day - lps kul 2pm tak silap... dok asyik dahaga..dahaga jer kejanya
alhamdulillah berjaya gak dia pose penuh...
3rd day - dah tak de apa2 komplain pasal lapo or dahaga...
and alhamdulillah dia ok till hari ni... si aliff kira dah pro... as long sahur insyaAllah takde masalah for him to fast... so i have to make sure that i wake up for sahur or else mcm tahun lps ada terlambat sket bangun still suruh dia sahur gak walau dah azan... klu tak dia konpem tak tahan nak pose....
pasal lauk pulak... still able to cook lauk utk berbuka baru dua kali pegi beli kuih/air utk berbuka dan mmg dah niat this year nak kurangkan beli mknn kat bazar apa menu utk hari ni...?
Hopefully ada yg siapkan as a present heheheheh..........
Selamat berpuasa utk semua..........
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Beauty essentials.........
Been using Herbalife skincare product for quite sometime
Love their skincare range... night cream dah habis lenkali
ler beli... n kali ni pun for moisturizer
dah tukar to Olay total effects plak cos byk dengar gud review n bila guna cam sesuai lak... plus it's much more cheaper hehehehe...
p/s: thanks to my dearest buddy for the special price given...!
Monday, August 10, 2009
H1N1: Something to share
Rasanya current situation kat Malaysia with H1N1 are getting worst with the increasing number of death cases... seriously I'm scared to think about it....with having 4 little kids that are categorized as one of the group that has low immunization towards this virus... nauzubillah.......
Anyway got this through my e-mail, and i think it's very informative and maybe we can use it as a guideline insyaallah....
Subject FW: Latest info pasal H1N1(pengalaman family pesakit)
My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning...was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni at Kangar, Perlis...worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden didnt even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came fm KL and with his friends assistance brought him to GH Kangar....
No one bothered in the hospital and he was put in the normal ward for another 2 days!!! (imagine the amount of people he has infected!!) .....after 2 days and his eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish...he was put in quarantined room...
Called his mom to say...minta maaf and ampun la dosa dia, etc...she practically fainted just telling me the story.. cant do much cos she x have enough money to go to the north with the father...
First thing we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to Sg.Buloh Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt...they refused of I sent her off to Kangar the same day to solve the problem.
Whilst this was happening, SUBHANALLAH, I had a call from one Ustaz who was in town to "help cure" another H1N1 child in Shah Alam....and was told this simple prescription by him.....of course kena redha pada ALLAH and niat dengan sesungguh nya...selawat 3x...
for those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your fever disappear and yr symtoms are gone....I cannot explain it but the child in Shah Alam was ok too after taking this tip....
ALHAMDULILLAH. staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on Monday/Tuesday and dengan kuasa ALLAH he was out of the fever yesterday Wednesday... .she called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out of ICU and was able to eat normally...all these happened within just 4 days today (thursday 6 august)...
This is just to share with my fellow sisters and brothers and hope this small info could assist others as well, INSYA'ALLAH! !!!!!!!!! No harm in trying and kuasa ALLAH anything can happen!!!!
Update: on the way to work this morning (11/8) while listening to the radio, got to know that the number of death cases increase to 32... cepatnya kan...
Anyway got this through my e-mail, and i think it's very informative and maybe we can use it as a guideline insyaallah....
Subject FW: Latest info pasal H1N1(pengalaman family pesakit)
My staff was crying herself sick on Tuesday morning...was told that her son was confirmed of H1N1 in his Uni at Kangar, Perlis...worse was that when he was bedridden 2 days the warden didnt even bother to sent to hospital till his dad came fm KL and with his friends assistance brought him to GH Kangar....
No one bothered in the hospital and he was put in the normal ward for another 2 days!!! (imagine the amount of people he has infected!!) .....after 2 days and his eyes were turning yellow and saliva greenish...he was put in quarantined room...
Called his mom to say...minta maaf and ampun la dosa dia, etc...she practically fainted just telling me the story.. cant do much cos she x have enough money to go to the north with the father...
First thing we did was made her call the hospital and insist that they sent him to Sg.Buloh Hospital or any other hospital in KL since they seemed to be more alert and more equipt...they refused of I sent her off to Kangar the same day to solve the problem.
Whilst this was happening, SUBHANALLAH, I had a call from one Ustaz who was in town to "help cure" another H1N1 child in Shah Alam....and was told this simple prescription by him.....of course kena redha pada ALLAH and niat dengan sesungguh nya...selawat 3x...
for those with sore throat please blend the apples and keep on taking till your fever disappear and yr symtoms are gone....I cannot explain it but the child in Shah Alam was ok too after taking this tip....
ALHAMDULILLAH. staff's son was given the apple juice for the whole day on Monday/Tuesday and dengan kuasa ALLAH he was out of the fever yesterday Wednesday... .she called me and was crying on the phone to say that her son was out of ICU and was able to eat normally...all these happened within just 4 days today (thursday 6 august)...
This is just to share with my fellow sisters and brothers and hope this small info could assist others as well, INSYA'ALLAH! !!!!!!!!! No harm in trying and kuasa ALLAH anything can happen!!!!
Update: on the way to work this morning (11/8) while listening to the radio, got to know that the number of death cases increase to 32... cepatnya kan...
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Hari yang hampir lengkap..........
dengan home-cooked dishes....
breakfast n lunch sume masak...
tak beli lg so far...:)
so, for dinner maybe makan ringan2 jer kot
sape nak nasik lauk tgh hr still ada lg
rasamacam nak makan roti bakar jer mlm ni...
smlm ada gak keluar, hari ni langsung tak keluar
hubby jer yg keluar masuk...
skrg dia kepudu hantar adik dia nak balik johor..
mlm td sampai...
till then....
breakfast n lunch sume masak...
tak beli lg so far...:)
so, for dinner maybe makan ringan2 jer kot
sape nak nasik lauk tgh hr still ada lg
rasamacam nak makan roti bakar jer mlm ni...
smlm ada gak keluar, hari ni langsung tak keluar
hubby jer yg keluar masuk...
skrg dia kepudu hantar adik dia nak balik johor..
mlm td sampai...
till then....
Saturday, August 08, 2009
i feels like i wanna bake something.....
dah petang sabtu... went out for early breakfast this morning at the nearby restaurant after sending both kids to kem solat and don't feels like going out... takut benonya fikirkan bout h1n1.... with 2 little ones in tow.... nauzubillah...
so to overcome my boredom, i wanna bake something after asar prayer...
can be eaten for our evening tea kan....kan....
p/s: benonya klu stress ker yg sewaktu dgnnya i do like to bake...hmmmm
update: smlm berjaya baked butter cake with chocholate flavor... now dah habis pun :D
so to overcome my boredom, i wanna bake something after asar prayer...
can be eaten for our evening tea kan....kan....
p/s: benonya klu stress ker yg sewaktu dgnnya i do like to bake...hmmmm
update: smlm berjaya baked butter cake with chocholate flavor... now dah habis pun :D
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