Some people keep asking me whether i missed perth or not... the answer is... i do miss perth but sometimes doesn't have a time to think too much about it :) .... (k wan, ina n all i do miss u k... ) of course the lifestyle do change A LOT.... like me especially when it comes with COOKING ler hehehehe.... so far it's been twice that i cooked a decent meals for my family :).... azam ADA.... tp ada jer somethin' that limited my azam heheheheheh... nways hopefully once i get my dream kitchen.... i'll try my best to cook everyday.... hmmmm bila tu yer.... (alasan lg ler tu... )
Bout my kids.... Aisyah still coping with the weather... cos she still kept scrathing all the times.... night times lagi ler... kesian tgk dia asyik tergaru2 manjang... cream dah beli maybe takes time sket ler kot... her skin.... mmg ler tak cantik skrg especially at her back n tummy area.... sian my anak dara huhuhu.......
Aliff had started fasting n his record so far was 6pm.... why he can wait till that time cos he wanna have tortoise as a pet n the deal was he has to fast the whole day like ibu n ayah... since he's still can't get the deal done... no tortoise yet :( so every day he said he wanna have a try... like this morning he didn't wake up for sahur cos he slept quite late last night... when hubby tried to wake him up he said he doesn't want to... so hubby just leaved him back to sleep... n before i left to work he asked me....
'ibu.... did you eat at night time last night?'
i said yes i do eat last night.... masa tu tak terpikir pasal sahur i thought after berbuka mlm tadi....
'no... eat at night time... when u're sleeping'
then i understand... yes i did....
'but why don't u wake me up...?
ayah did wake you up but u said no....
'i didn't remember i said no...."
hehehehehe.... so konpem ler tak berjaya lg dia nak dpt tortoise tu....
But of course he'll get one soon.... the deal just to motivate him :)
Ohhh... my shipping goods arrived safely at my door last friday.... we paid an agent to clear all our things and delivered it straight to our door.... easy hey... cos the price paid still within our budget so just let them do what they're best in kan.... luckily all the boxes were there... n sib baik gak yg pecah sket2 tu not the one that can makes me cry hehehehehe.... ada ler pecah 2 so far... n rasanya tak der lg kot cos hubby had unpacked most of the boxes... n susun elok2 kat bilik bawah tu.... waiting to put in the right place.... when the right place is ready hehehehe.... entah2 apa2 ler yg i tulis nie....
K lah till then.... toodles!!!!!
p/s: gambar kat araluen masa our last visit tu....
alahai, siannya kat anak teruna ella tu nak posa, tp tak larat bangun sahur..tak pe, ada masa lagi...
syukur barang selamat sampai, bab pecah sana sini tu, adatlah..
tu ler cam kesian tp org ckp klu kita as ibu rasa kesian nti lg tak larat anak kita tu.... alhamdulillah dah berjaya dah dia smlm :)
betui lah tu syikin... pecah sket2 ok ler tu kan...
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