was filled with lots of activities.... i had to attend a pre-conference workshop on qualitative research at Marriot Putrajaya on saturday and sunday. The workshop was good and the foods... fabulous indeed hehehehehe........ (mcm susah ler nak kurus cam nie huhuhu).... saturday night we hosted the belated birthday party for aisyah... just in case you guys were curious as am attending the workshop on that same day.... am leaving the hotel a bit early.... 4pm where it's supposed to finish at 5.30pm.... and we're having bbq that night... so i've marinated all the things/foods needed before that.... plus am having few helpers.... my sis & 2 hubby's sis.... after get back from the workshop all i need to do is cooking fried mee-hoon... so that's is why i'm still doing it despite having the pre-conference.

So Aisyah's 1 happy girl that night for sure........ the pics of that party will be uploaded soon... i hope heheheheheh......... and yesterday after am back from the workshop (luckily it's just 1/2 day yesterday).... without earlier planning we went to sungai tekala... (cos the kids and all our sis been staying home all this while kan) actually hubby wanted to go somewhere near pangsun... but after 4 years we can't really get the idea with the roads/highways... nie pun smlm entah jln mn2 we all pegi... sampai semenyih segala heheheheh).... reached there around 3.30pm.... ok lah since the kids enjoyed themself.... me not even dipped my legs in the water.... malas ler nak tukar baju sume tu.... so hubby ler melayan the kids swimming etc...
so guys enjoys the pics of my hubby's latest 'project'.... still needs some touch-up here n there... maybe some more accessories will do good kan....
till then....adios!
comey lah birthday gilr posing kat kolam.. Happy birthday Aisyhah. Moga jadi anak yg cemerlang.
tq for the wishes.... skrg nie aisyah kena paksa sket klu nak posing klu tak mmg dia tak mo.... dah boring kot dr kecik dok tangkap gambor jer heheheheh.....
wahhh... cantiklah buat lanscape tu. malu kite. dah dok rumah 4 tahun tp depan semak samun. ni bukan 'bahasa-bahasa sopan santun melayu'. serius, semak gila. ni tgh cari orang yang boleh buat simple lanscaping sebenarnya. harap kan kami nih, jadi hutan lah jawabnya sbb tak buat apa-apa!
Assalamualaikum Ella.. yg dekat tp jauh...
Comelnyer budak berdua tu. Bila nak tambah sowang lagi??? ;)..
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