.....just that not really in the mood of blogging plus the problem in accessing/signing in my blogger account from the office add all to it.
So many things happened..... tapi dah lama sgt tak tahu dah which one to blog about hehehehe....
As for the kids, alhamdulillah they're catching up with school/kindy (nursery) pretty well.
I no longer faced a problem in sending aisyah to kindy + nursery whereas in the first 2 weeks there'll always crying + screaming + running around the car scenes in the morning while sending her off. But now she's the one who will remind me that we're late to 'school'.
Aliff also enjoying his school days.... the problem is with the school uniforms that I need to bear with..... sabo jer lah... i have no idea what he's playing with his fren at school that his uniforms (tgk 's' tu sbb tuk sekolah pagi & ptg....) need to be changed everyday..... yg sekolah agama lg tak tahan cos sekolahnya for only 3 hrs.... but still hmmmmm.....so proses penyentalan selalu ler took place.... (klu malas tu mmg masuk terus jer washing machine... tp mmg tak hilang ler sgt kotornya tu....)
So... till then.... need to continue with my work........ toodles!
Alhamdulilah anak2 dah dapat sesuai kan diri..
Salam Ma'al Hijrah.
Hehehe.. duduk kat tmpt sejuk, baju sekolah boleh pakai sampai 2 hari. Kat Msia, kena tukar tiap2 hari! Tak tahan.. bau ashem! :)
aaah alhamdulillah semua dah ok lah kot now kat sini...
Salam Ma'al Hijrah buat ajzie jg...
Betul ler tu jue... then baju selolah pun tshirt cam tu jer kan... mmg sonang yg amat... tak yah nyental2 sume nie.... huhuhuhu....
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