Wah been quite sometimes dah tak berblogging :).... got some stories to share but unable to post anything.... mcm2 ler alasannya.......
So today... my beloved son losing 1 of his teeth.... rongak dah anak ibu.... actually dah almost a week he's been complaining bout his teeth so finally today we bring him to the dentist.... tak berani wooo nak pull out myself.... lgpun cam kesian jer....... kot sakit......
Before that in the morning bring aisyah to the clinic cos she's having a mild fever.... esp malam ler, in the morning cam ok but since ubat kat fridge yg bln feb nya so bawak gak ler dia ke klinik then send her to the nursery....... talking bout nursery..... my anak dara nie, in the morning when sending her.... she will keep on reminding me or hubby (when hubby send us) by saying...... 'nti amik adik cepat...' n god knows how many times...... lotih nak menjawab..... sabar jer lah.... n people keep saying......... 'nak kena ada adik tu.......' maybe betul kot kan...... :D it's about time.... tp cam ada jer alasannya........ entah ler!!!!!!
Till then...... adios!