Thursday, September 06, 2007

August 07

How time flies...
So many things happened...
Especially in August....
I celebrated my 32nd birthday...
in the end of august....
while my dad celebrated his 62nd birthday
in the beginning of august...

finally that's his last birthday...
he passed away on the 30th of august...
but, alhamdulillah............
we managed to see and kiss his face for the last time

i never thought
that my last visit to trg during the end of the school holidays
a week before that
will be our last one with him.....

but i'm grateful to ALLAH
that i have a chance to be with him
a week before that (not even a week actually cos we left trg on sat evening (25/8) n came back on thursday night(30/8))

'moga ALLAH merahmati arwah ayah..... dan ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yang beriman... amin'


maklang said...

Semuga arwah berada dikalangan orang2 yang soleh dan dikasihinya...

Selamat harijadi untuk Ella jugak..kenapalah tak singgah kat rumah maklang??

Ella said...

salam maklang,

terima kasih byk2...

selalu terpikir nak singgah umah maklang sbb dok tgk gambar jer hehehe... tp selalunya ella guna jalan jerangau-jabor so konpem tak jumpa umah maklang... insyaAllah nak singgah 1 hari nanti...

juwaidah said...

Salam takziah dari Ju sekeluarga..


Selamat berpuasa.