One more week to go before I'm back to work...
Hmmmmm........ its a mixed feelings... kesian nak tinggalkan alya kat umah... will be sending her to the nursery early may... so for the time being she will be with hubby at home n of course I'll be back during lunch hour to breastfeed her... this time around I wanna try my best to exclusively breastfeed her for at least 4 months but.... if I managed to do it longer alhamdulillah....... previously with aliff n aisyah.... after 2 months I will mixed breast milk with formula milk.... hopefully this time kuat ler semangat ku ini.... amin
There's a little bit excitement to go back to work.... tp biasalah nti boring balik huhuhuhu........ whatever it is..... life has to go on kan......
Nowadays it's a little bit hard to plan an activity during the weekends due the unpredictable weather... cam musim tengkujuh lah plak....
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