From the pics... the other side of the river is the city of Perth... yap just a small city....
Had a meeting with Peter today.... n during the meeting have to excuse meself cos I need to pick up Aliff from school.... n he said...' come and see me again tomorrow and we continue with the upstream analysis...' gud huh!!!!
Ella, very beautiful pics! Bila plan finishing? I was adviced to at least send draft before go home. Tu yang dok kalut tu.
Hi AM,
Tq... tu ler same with me as I also need to get my draft done before go home... i'm planning to go home somewhere early sept... so that's my finishing line ler i suppose... :)
eh..tak masuk ke komen saya tadi?
sabor jek la..
cantiknya masyaAllah pemandangan. pandai awak tangkap gambar2 ni..
buat master or phd? bidang apa? best dpt supervisor yg tolarable nih, mcm supervisor saya jugak
Sykin... tq... tak ler pnadai sgt tangkap gambo2 nie... tp maybe pmdgn masa tu cantik tu yg mcm pandai tu heheheheh...
Ella now tgh buat phd... tu ler dok fenin2 tuk writing up nie... mmg sib baik dpt sv baik...
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