Now during winter.... our days started as early as 5am... they normally woke up when hubby getting ready to work... especially cik adik tu ler.... n of course they went to bed early around 6-7pm.... so around 6am dah mintak breakfast, sabo jer lah... n now their favourite... pagi2 mintak air milo nak cicah dgn biskut jagung... dah tak minntak cereal dah.... dulu hubby jer yg kerjakan biskut tu... now dah ada 2 org pengikut dah...
School holidays nie blm sempat lg bawak depa jln2... ingatkan nak ke city (school holidays mmg ada program/free activity provided by the gov) n zoo tp tak tahu bila.... maybe klu rasa nak pegi just pegi jer... plan2 selalunya susah nak jadik.. so tgk ler nti...
Skrg sejuk ya amats... esp. malam2/pagi2... but the weather just nice during the day... so klu kat meja mlm2 tu confirm kena pasang heather... the kids room mmg wajib pasang heather... tahu jerlah budak2 bkn reti nak selimut elok2.... so tunggu jerlah bil dtg nti nak kena bayar....
Hmmm... dah ler dulu membebel... keja blum siap2 nie... till then... toodles!
hmm..bagusnya abg pegang adik..eh, yg besar tu abg kan ?
hehe..makin anak2 besar, mcm2 keletah mereka yg menarik perhatian mereka.
moga winter ni kesiahtan mereka baik selalu.
Hai U,
I pun nak berhijrah ke blogspot sbb senang nak upload gambar. Tapi nak minta tolong U buatkan Msgbox boleh tak, itupun kalau U free.Jenguk2le ke cencomel.blogspot.com.
nice scan...taknampaknoisy pun ini gambar...
entah... rasa2nya JPA bagi dia 980AUD and i dont know how much UPM will give to th wife and kids... ooo kena keje gak ke dia... haiyojangan sampai kaciau studies dah le ye...
ps-VIVA went fine, thanks for asking... thesis was accepted without corrections :)
aah betui ler tu abg pegang adik :)
tu ler mmg dah besar ni mcm2 karenah lak
dah jalan pun ke cencomel hehehehe.... no worries blh jer i tlg...
tu ler yg susah nak cakap... lg pun tak sure kat sana cost of living dia camne... klu cukup maybe tak yah keja...
wah... kagumnya without correction tuh... congrats...!
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