Been quite sometimes neglecting this space of mine... always planning to share something especially both ceramonies during last school breaks (maybe for the next entry :D).....
Nway.... last monday, me n hubby went to aliff's school for report card signing and updating on he's progress wif his teacher (i never thought they have this session in Msia.... cos they do in that's good aye).... aliff didn't get a very good 'number' during his mid term exam and he only managed to secure this 'position'.... 32/47 and the spoiler for this result of course his penulisan and kefahamam which he scored C for both.... i don't blame him for this though because, his overall percentage is 75.2% which is B.... so if aliff able to get A for his BM i'm sure his ranking will shooting high.... to overcome this, i bought him BM exercise books.... and looking for more after this....
Regarding his attitude at school, his teacher told us there's nothing to worry about.... he's a good student and always obey/listen to instructions but, boys will always be boys sometimes.... that's a relief.... hmmm when we're there he went to canteen with his fren n when he came back to us he told me that he gave his fren 50cents cos his fren want to use the public phone.... sabor je lah but i know he's always being generous to all his frens... from what he told me.
Whatever it's, as a mum I'm always praying for his well being/successful in life....
p/s:last fri we bought him a new school bag with the 'tyre' that he's been requesting for quite sometimes.... so during weekend tu dok tarik2 ler begnya tu ke hulur ke hilir n siap tgk jadual for mon on fri evening itself.... sabo jer lah.... but it's really a good feeling that we feels inside when we can see our kids happy isn't?
p/s1: adik pun sibuk nak beg roda gak wif princess characters on it.... hmmm really expensive nearly RM90... so adik didn't get it.... carik helah ler :) cian dia.... will get it once she enter the 'real' school , ni pi nursery just bawak baju nak beroda segala baik tak yah hahahahahah.....
mmg la ni, parent yg kena p amik report card, tak mcm zmn kita dulu, amik sendiri drp cikgukan..
tak pelah, slowly abg boleh cope ngan subjek B.M tu..err..Ella pernah dgr program score A? ni style tuition kat rmh tp mesti ada internetla..utk subjek2 upsr la hingga k PMR. yg bagusnya parent pun boleh monitor program anak ni dan blh tau progress anak2 sbb ada style report card, dan anak2 tak boleh nak tipu parents la bab buat latihan atau tidak ni..kalau berminat, email saya
salam kaklong...
yup pernah dengar pasal score A, norazlyna yg promote score A tu pernah bgth tp tak terregister lg... :)
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