before this... everytime i found edible items with this particular ingredient inside... i'm not buying the items cos i thought we.... muslim can't eat it...
few days ago... while eating my 'asam'... i noticed that... the 'forbidden thing' was in there... opsie...!!!!!
so..... i googled for the word.... tq to wikipedia
what a relief.... :):):)... what am i thinking about all this while uhh!
p/s: gambar di atas hya sbg hiasan!!!! :D
pps: we're at seri pelangi muar, i'm here to visit students who's on practical/industrial training.... 1 in muar n the other 1 in kluang.... balik kg jg ler agendanya.... org kat dept mcm tahu klu johor nya related task... nolila's here!! *wink*
1 comment:
Assalamualaikum ELLA!!....
Lama tak dengar khabar ye?.. comelnyer ecah dlm gambar tu. Dah besar dah dia.. tak sangka betul.
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