Dah boring2 tadik... dok men-google n came across this website... n finally i had siti's new song in my collections... so pegi cepat2 sana sbb lagu2 tu semua can be downloaded within 30 days jer after published..... n byk gak lagu2 baru yg i mmg tak pernah tahu pun.... nway ok gak lah lagu2 kat situ... tp since opisnya tenet tak leh lah nak download lebih2 kang kena warning plak ngan IT man mn tahu kan... so btter not than sorry... 1/2 blh ler kot... hehehehehe
ada jer kan yg menggangu konsentrasi kan........ adeh la....
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
what about me
Received an e-mail from my colleague yesterday.... we're from the same faculty just differents department... n this is what she wrote....
bila hang nak balik m'sia. i dah habis dah pun. n balik 26 mei.
dr.shikin (he he he)
she's at the newcastle uni... n she went there 3 mths earlier than me... hmmm i'm happy that she has finished hers... but, what about me.... (nie blh sound ala2 lagu shannon noll nie). OK hopes this will motivate me more thinking about others that already had the 'title'.........
Back to work n.... as always... FOCUS!!!!!
bila hang nak balik m'sia. i dah habis dah pun. n balik 26 mei.
dr.shikin (he he he)
she's at the newcastle uni... n she went there 3 mths earlier than me... hmmm i'm happy that she has finished hers... but, what about me.... (nie blh sound ala2 lagu shannon noll nie). OK hopes this will motivate me more thinking about others that already had the 'title'.........
Back to work n.... as always... FOCUS!!!!!
Monday, April 24, 2006
ada jer....
Semalam bawak aliff pegi immunisation clinics... sbb he needs to have his 4yrs immunisation for certain vaccines... tp since kat mesia immunisation just up to 18mths jer so before cuti hari tu dpt surat from school nurse... stated that he needs another 4 types of vaccine... since hari tu br tahu ada tmpt free so tu yg pg smlm bawa dia... so dia kena 2 injections... n nasib baik tak kena marah even dah 2 years late... n dia ok tak nangis pun...
Lps tu pusing2 kings park kejap since that clinic betul2 depan park tu... posing2 sat then singgah city sbb tahu normally during school terms break mesti ada activity kat tgh2 city tu utk budak2 sekolah... so mmg ada n it's all about robot.... bg aliff n aisyah main2 sat... had our lunch... then balik ler apa lg kan...
tu yg ptg kena dtg office tgk2 apa yg sesuai... . bila thesis nak siap nie... ada jer halnya.... ops hari nie pun cuti ANZAC day... ala2 hari pahlawan ler klu kat mesia........ tp dtg kejap kat office sbb ada hal sket....
Till then......... toodles........
p/s: actually this post was written on monday but there's a problem while trying to publish it so edit today n tak perasan that the date was meant for monday... takut2 terkonpius jer anyone who read this.....
Lps tu pusing2 kings park kejap since that clinic betul2 depan park tu... posing2 sat then singgah city sbb tahu normally during school terms break mesti ada activity kat tgh2 city tu utk budak2 sekolah... so mmg ada n it's all about robot.... bg aliff n aisyah main2 sat... had our lunch... then balik ler apa lg kan...
tu yg ptg kena dtg office tgk2 apa yg sesuai... . bila thesis nak siap nie... ada jer halnya.... ops hari nie pun cuti ANZAC day... ala2 hari pahlawan ler klu kat mesia........ tp dtg kejap kat office sbb ada hal sket....
Till then......... toodles........
p/s: actually this post was written on monday but there's a problem while trying to publish it so edit today n tak perasan that the date was meant for monday... takut2 terkonpius jer anyone who read this.....
Friday, April 21, 2006
Dah selamat
Received an sms from my lil sis on Wed... informed me that my elder sis had safely delivered her 5th kids.... so I got a new nephew....... she had a problems during delivering... but when I called her yesterday both mum n baby is ok now... syukur alhamdulillah...
Can't wait to see my new nephew.... actually there's 2 baby that I hadn't have a chance to see yet... my sis in law's daughter that she delivered last year n this year, my sis's son... tu ler duk jauh2 asyik tertingal2 jer ngan events camni... whattodo.......
Have a nice weekend u'oals........
Can't wait to see my new nephew.... actually there's 2 baby that I hadn't have a chance to see yet... my sis in law's daughter that she delivered last year n this year, my sis's son... tu ler duk jauh2 asyik tertingal2 jer ngan events camni... whattodo.......
Have a nice weekend u'oals........
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
the friendship
Last Monday... we went to Leo n Dot's house.... depa nie actually our landlord for the very first house that we rented when we're here nearly 4 yrs ago.... bila pikir2 balik, mmg kami bernasib baik sbb kenal depa.... since deals directly ngan owner... so the very same day we all moved into the hse... so masa mula2 dtg sini mmg takde problem ngan tmpt tinggal sume... n rumah tu lak fully furnished... so lg ler senang.... mmg diaorg byk tlg masa tu... so lps sethn we moved out sbb nak carik umah bawah so blh ler anak2 nak main n adalah kwsn... walau dah pindah dr rmh diorg tp we still keep in touch... sekali sekala depa call.. n we all lak mmg every yr jemput diaorg for the open hse... masa raya....
Since kitaorg tak pernah pi umah diaorg even dah few times depa ajak... so baru2 nie pegi lah sbb tak lama lg nak balik dah.... sib baik dia hidangkn kek, chocs n biskut2 jer... maybe depa pun dah tahu byk jg apa yg blh n tak blh... lg pun we all pegi pun lps kul 2pm... just nice ler for tea time kan...
Yg terharunya... before balik Dot sempat offer.... nak tlg with my thesis... (dia dpt her professional doctorate lbh krg 2 thn lps kot... ) dia nak tlg tuk proof reading... sbb dia ckp dia somehow very good in proof reading... hmmm.... pucuk di cita ulam mendatang... tp really glad got to know them... so maybe lps nie diaorg plak visit we all kat mesia... n itulah plan depa... hopefully this friendships will last even nanti benua dah lain2....
Since kitaorg tak pernah pi umah diaorg even dah few times depa ajak... so baru2 nie pegi lah sbb tak lama lg nak balik dah.... sib baik dia hidangkn kek, chocs n biskut2 jer... maybe depa pun dah tahu byk jg apa yg blh n tak blh... lg pun we all pegi pun lps kul 2pm... just nice ler for tea time kan...
Yg terharunya... before balik Dot sempat offer.... nak tlg with my thesis... (dia dpt her professional doctorate lbh krg 2 thn lps kot... ) dia nak tlg tuk proof reading... sbb dia ckp dia somehow very good in proof reading... hmmm.... pucuk di cita ulam mendatang... tp really glad got to know them... so maybe lps nie diaorg plak visit we all kat mesia... n itulah plan depa... hopefully this friendships will last even nanti benua dah lain2....
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Holidays + study
Just had a meeting with my busiest ever supervisor... Murray. Had a good outcomes from the meeting... so lega sket lah nie...
Starting tomorrow till monday we gonna have a long weekend... cos they're celebrating Easter.... hmmmm I still can't get the idea about the egg n the rabbit... eventhough someone has explained it to me before.... whatevar lah... so in all supermkts we can see all sorts of chocs in the shape of eggs n rabbits.... comey jer tgk...
Aliff will be having his holidays (term break) for 2 weeks starting tomorrow..... hopefully can bring him somewhere during this break... (if everythin' permits)...
For the long weekend, i'm hoping I can finish part of my thesis.... I promised Peter to submit all the chapters to him before the middle of next mth.... ops dah fenin balik hehehehhe........
Starting tomorrow till monday we gonna have a long weekend... cos they're celebrating Easter.... hmmmm I still can't get the idea about the egg n the rabbit... eventhough someone has explained it to me before.... whatevar lah... so in all supermkts we can see all sorts of chocs in the shape of eggs n rabbits.... comey jer tgk...
Aliff will be having his holidays (term break) for 2 weeks starting tomorrow..... hopefully can bring him somewhere during this break... (if everythin' permits)...
For the long weekend, i'm hoping I can finish part of my thesis.... I promised Peter to submit all the chapters to him before the middle of next mth.... ops dah fenin balik hehehehhe........
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Salam Maulidur Rasul
Actually smlm dah ingat pasal maulidur rasul tp hari nie lupa lah plak... so when I sms-ed my colleague back home to let he knows that he can ring me at the office to ask me anythin about his study plan here next mth... then when he rang then I know that it's public holiday today kat Mesia.... we all will celebrate maulidur rasul this Sunday at al-hidayah mosque... so tu yg ingat2 lupa tu....
So to all muslims... salam maulidur rasul... semoga kita semua dpt mencontohi sifat2 rasul junjugan kita.... amin
So to all muslims... salam maulidur rasul... semoga kita semua dpt mencontohi sifat2 rasul junjugan kita.... amin
Monday, April 10, 2006
7 years....
10 April
On this date
7 years ago
We're united
As a husband n wife
Started our journey together
And today
We're still together
With 2 more people
Cruising the journey
Together with us
I'm just hoping
All this will last
With the bless
From ALLAH swt
And loves from our heart...
On this date
7 years ago
We're united
As a husband n wife
Started our journey together
And today
We're still together
With 2 more people
Cruising the journey
Together with us
I'm just hoping
All this will last
With the bless
From ALLAH swt
And loves from our heart...
Friday, April 07, 2006
Dtg ofis ptg nie sbb nak submit form... td sampai peter ada then pi his room for the signature... eh dah gelap bilik dia.... hari nie kat WA... ada kempen walk to school... so pagi tadi we all jalan dr rumah sementara tunggu hubby balik... so dah 1/2 way tu sume naik kete....then turun lg sambung jln n this time aliff jln ngan ayah.... ibu n aisyah lak naik kete... aliff suka lah blh jln camtu cos he always wanted to walk to school... naik kete mmg ler 3/5 mins jer tp jln mmg semput gak ler.... tp best gak jln2 camtu....
Kereta dah siap direpair.... so melayang ler $$$$$.... tp ok ler since dah elok tu senang ler sket nak ke mn2 klu kebetulan both of us ada hal.... tu ler pasal last few weeks pendek sket my langkah hehehehehe........ so lps nie my laptop nya turn plak.... kat sini semua mahal klu nak repair apa2...tu kdg2 dr repair baik beli baru... like before our tv rosak dah ler rosaknya elok2 jer habis warranty... so instead of repair it... we just buy the new one cos harga repair tu sama jer ngan beli 1 tv baru.... tu pun yg repair kereta tu our fren gak..... his wife study kat sini... then dia mmg ada kepakaran repair merepair nie so mmg dia jadi mekanik ler while he's here.... so lega ler sket sbb klu oz yg repair mmg tersgt ler mahalnya... mcm2 caj ada nti.... nti repair laptop pun anto kat org2 kita gak.... murah sket n confidence pun lebih....
So, happy weekend u'oals....
Kereta dah siap direpair.... so melayang ler $$$$$.... tp ok ler since dah elok tu senang ler sket nak ke mn2 klu kebetulan both of us ada hal.... tu ler pasal last few weeks pendek sket my langkah hehehehehe........ so lps nie my laptop nya turn plak.... kat sini semua mahal klu nak repair apa2...tu kdg2 dr repair baik beli baru... like before our tv rosak dah ler rosaknya elok2 jer habis warranty... so instead of repair it... we just buy the new one cos harga repair tu sama jer ngan beli 1 tv baru.... tu pun yg repair kereta tu our fren gak..... his wife study kat sini... then dia mmg ada kepakaran repair merepair nie so mmg dia jadi mekanik ler while he's here.... so lega ler sket sbb klu oz yg repair mmg tersgt ler mahalnya... mcm2 caj ada nti.... nti repair laptop pun anto kat org2 kita gak.... murah sket n confidence pun lebih....
So, happy weekend u'oals....
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Aliff n Aisyah enjoying their foods..... they said BBQ is part of Oz lifestyle... but when I came here that I enjoyed BBQing.... why? cos the preparation is sooo easy n simple... n of course yummylicious.... rosak diet(see the fats fr the sauseges...) ahaks.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Biarlah rahsia - CT
Lagu:Melly Goeslow
Lirik:Siti Nurhaliza
Pernahkah kau bermimpi seketika
berada di tempat ku
membayangkan pahit manis berlaku
tiada siapa yang tahu
mungkin nanti kau jua merasakan
berdepan dengan kata menyesatkan
tak kan ku .......
tiada pertimbangan
keheningan malam membalutkan
kepayahan jiwa meluahkan
andai kau jujur memahami
tiadaku menjauhi
dan kisahku yang masih panjang
menambahkan berat yang memandang
lantasku pendam ku putuskan
biarlah rahsia
semakin aku hitung dalam cinta
tiada kuasa mampu menghalangnya
hentikan kata-kata bertulangkan dusta
keheningan malam membalutkan
kepayahan jiwa meluahkan
andai kau jujur memahami
tiada ku menjauhi
dan kisahku yang masih panjang
menambahkan berat yang memandang
lantas ku pendam ku putuskan
biarlah rahsia
dan kisah ku yang masih panjang
menambahkan berat yang memandang
lantas ku pendam ku putuskan
biarlah rahsia
pernahkah kau bermimpi seketika berada di tempatku...
"terdengar" lagu nie hari nie... sedap plak dengar.... mmg penuh rahsia......... so nie lagu fav at the mo lah kiranya ahaks.........
P/s: To my dear fren... congrats on the arrival of ur new baby girl last monday.......
Welcome aboard to..... Annuralisa Izmira... and U do take care ya.... muahhhhsssssss
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