Aliff n Aisyah enjoying their foods..... they said BBQ is part of Oz lifestyle... but when I came here that I enjoyed BBQing.... why? cos the preparation is sooo easy n simple... n of course yummylicious.... rosak diet(see the fats fr the sauseges...) ahaks.
you know what time is it? its 1.15am and im the lab terliur tengok lamb tu... thats my favourite meat... your kids are cute...
nice grill, pakai arang ke gas tu???
is that your place in OZ??? lawa gila... sausage tu grrrrrr...
wonder what u and your husband look like...
im out of here, wana balik makan...
izhal... sori lah lapar u tgk gambo lamb tu tgh2 pagi buta hehehehe.... tu dapur gas yg normally guna tuk camping n guna gas tin kecik tu... klu bbq reramai baru wak kuar grill yg betui2... n mmg dah beli tuk bawak balik mesia cos sini consider murah ler price for the grill...
aah tu umah kitaorg ler while here in OZ... blh ler.... n one more thing for sure we gonna miss those sausages... sbb kat mesia mn ada sausages fresh kan abis2 ramli burger punya hehehehe.......
ella, laparlah nengok makanan tu.
boleh share resepi nak marinade lamb? chicken wing ke?
kat sini nak buat bbq kena buat malam.
kalau buat siang alamatnya rentung budak2 kat luar - cuaca panas!
cutelah your kids.
sausage tu rasa camna? spicy ke? italian herbs ke? ozzy taste watashi tak tahu...
looks like a good product to be sold in malaysia... kalau hot 1901 tu mahal sangat harganya, size pon tak berbaloi... sausage ni kalaumardi buat product sure kaw2 ni ella...
how much does a dozen of thos sausages cost there?sold by the dozens ke camna??? greecy mmm mmmmmmmm...
by the way,my bro and wife dua2 tak lepas scholarship nak pi ozz... depa fenin now...
ummi: ella klu marinade tu main campak2 jer hehehehe... klu lamb tu biasanya ella letak kicap manis+rempah kari daging+garam masala+honey+minyak msk+garam+aji sket+sos tiram... kadang2 tu masuk kan gak sket serbuk jintan manis n ketumbar kdg2 tak... suka2 jer... klu chicken wings... selalunya kicap manis+garlic+honey+garam+aji sket+sos tiram+minyak msk... kononnya ckicken with honey n soy ler hehehehe... tp mmg ikut suka jer lah ummi...
masa bbq hari tu dlm 3pm camtu n kebetulan cloudy sket ari tu n temp pun sejuk sket tu yg ok tu klu tak rentung gak kot hehehehe...
ummi... budak2 semua cute lah... same goes with ur kids....
izhal:sosej tu mcm2 perisa ada depa jual kat butcher... yg kita org msk tu bbq flavour... n jual ikut kilo...the price between 5-10doolar/kg... depends pd jenisnya... yg chicken plg mahal lah rasanya... n mmg puas hati mkn sosej kat sini....so u proposed lah nti kat mardi hehehehehe
tak pelah maybe rezeki ur bro n his wife tak lama lg kot...yg pasti setiap yg berlaku ada hikmahnya kan....
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