Read about this XDA atom pure this morning in Berita Harian... wah so cantik... i've been dribbling for this for past few mths (hubby dah malas nak layan...sbbynya byk sgt mahunya theheheh)... the price here is about AUD1000 and i wish to have this once i'm home... and the price at home RM2988 (as for today)... about the same lah kan... hopefully by the time I'm home the price will be reduced more for a few hundreds....
Hmmmmm... hanya angan2kah ini.... huhuhuhu
p/s: ayah... dah janji kan heheheheheh.....
Ops... just to blog bout this... I was stopped by a policeman yesterday morning on my way to the office... (my first encounter being stopped by a policeman after nearly 7 yrs I owned a driving license for car... klu plus motorbike lg lama oooo) WHY???? cos i'm speeding around 60km/hr at the 50km/hr area.... it's not that i'm overrule the law... but for all this while i thought it's 60km/hr road.... hmmm lucky enough I just renew my license last week... i don't know whether I'll be fined or not cos mr policeman just ask for my license and confirming the address on my license then reminded me again bout the speeding limit at that road.... then let me go.... or else terbang ler AUD100 if they mail me the fine... huhuhuhuhu....
Ella, rasa nye kat sini mcm boleh dapat 1Euro aje, But than terikat ler ngan contract 2thn. Monthly 9Euro for the line. But still murah/untung lagi compare to Msia.
waaa itu barang banyak cantik wooo...
do you speed in UPM too?? heheh... jangan jadi Dr.Lumba Haram dah la... :)
ajzie: mmg murah ler klu mcm tu yer... kat sini pun ada plan contract for 2 yrs jgk tp still mahal ler jgk... maybe u should get 1 thehehehehe....
izhal: tu ler geram jer tgk... pasal sppeding tu... nti U blk kt try test tgk heheheheheh.........
My hubby dah beli dah satu utk dia, Tp Ajzie mcm tak minat ler..complicated sgt. Suka yg biasa2 aje. Samsung SHD800 pun dah ok dah..hihi
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