n today.... i received their reply... so fast haaa.... that's really a good customers service hey...
n this is what i got:
Dear Nolila,
We received your recent e-mail and wish to thank you for your interest in our products.
We inform you that we do not use lard for the fabrication of our fragrances.
We look forward to your next visit on our website
PetraDior OnLine - Parfums Christian Dior
We invite you to visit our Fragrance & Beauty pages on dior.com.
So.... now i can start using my perfumes back without 'was-was'..... or any of you have a thought bout this???
very good... sometimes... ONLY SOMETIMES... people use haram and halal to bring donppls business... it maybe done by the rivalling companies...
yap i think you're right about that... that's why after twice getting the same e-mail then i feel 'was2'...heheheh... but it's ok to ask kan...
A'ah.. Ella.. it's good to ask maa.. Tp kan.. linda kan.. tetap tak leh pakai gak.. sebab, linda allergic to most perfumes la.. isk!..
asyik nak bersin je bila terbau.. tak larat!...Hari tu, masa jenjalan kat mana ntah.. diorang nak spray perfume free for promotion.. Linda punyerlah bagging.. please don't spray on me.. kuikuikui.. sure diorang tu confuse giler..
Tu yg tanya tu... biasalah kt kdg tak percaya tp bila dah jd was2 tu yg bahaya kan...
pakai perfume bodyshop jer ler... yg oilnya tu... rasanya dulu linda ckp blh pakai yg tu kan... cian cik linda kt...
Now I was like was was jugak.. I am using Jadore by CD.. can I believe what have been said by "Petra Dior OnLine"
i can't assure u to believe the answer given... but that's what i got fr them... so depends ler....
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