From 27-29th Nov we're having a poster exhibition related to our research among all the faculties in UPM... I sent 1 poster since my head department asked me to...
I never thought about winning anything when I sent in my poster.... and yesterday the results came out (but still we do not know what medal we'll get until 5pm today) and maybe it's my 'rezeki' being a preggie mummy cos I'm not really ready during the judgment, why cos I arrived a bit late at the hall that Monday morning... I arrived just in time about 4/5 minutes till the judges came to me... phew!!!!
but alhamdulillah........
I received a silver medal for my research poster... for me it's a good start being a first timer in such competition/exhibition kan! :)
till then....... adios
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Selamat Harijadi yang ke 5 sayang........
posing with abang......
posing with her prezzie......
the birthday cake of her choice....
No birthday party this year
even few month earlier
she insisted to have friends around
during her birthday....
with my current condition
a party is the last thing that i can think of
so... instead of having a party
we bring her to the nearest JJ
and let her choose her own present...
she even choose her own birthday cake...
Ibu dan ayah akan sentiasa mendoakan
kebahagiaan & kesejahteraan Aisyah
di dunia & akhirat....
Love u to no ends...
Monday, October 01, 2007
Blogging from my new e65 using free internet access provided by putrajaya shangri-la, am having a workshop here together with breaking fast.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Salam Ramadhan
buat semua yang mengenali........
salam kemaafan andai ada salah & silap selama ini...
semoga Ramadhan kali ini...
kita sama-sama diberkatiNya...
salam kemaafan andai ada salah & silap selama ini...
semoga Ramadhan kali ini...
kita sama-sama diberkatiNya...
Thursday, September 06, 2007
August 07
How time flies...
So many things happened...
Especially in August....
I celebrated my 32nd birthday...
in the end of august....
while my dad celebrated his 62nd birthday
in the beginning of august...
finally that's his last birthday...
he passed away on the 30th of august...
but, alhamdulillah............
we managed to see and kiss his face for the last time
i never thought
that my last visit to trg during the end of the school holidays
a week before that
will be our last one with him.....
but i'm grateful to ALLAH
that i have a chance to be with him
a week before that (not even a week actually cos we left trg on sat evening (25/8) n came back on thursday night(30/8))
'moga ALLAH merahmati arwah ayah..... dan ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yang beriman... amin'
So many things happened...
Especially in August....
I celebrated my 32nd birthday...
in the end of august....
while my dad celebrated his 62nd birthday
in the beginning of august...
finally that's his last birthday...
he passed away on the 30th of august...
but, alhamdulillah............
we managed to see and kiss his face for the last time
i never thought
that my last visit to trg during the end of the school holidays
a week before that
will be our last one with him.....
but i'm grateful to ALLAH
that i have a chance to be with him
a week before that (not even a week actually cos we left trg on sat evening (25/8) n came back on thursday night(30/8))
'moga ALLAH merahmati arwah ayah..... dan ditempatkan dikalangan org2 yang beriman... amin'
Thursday, June 28, 2007
............. alhamdulillah
atas 'rezeki' yang diberikan
hopes for a smooth n safe 'journey'....
atas 'rezeki' yang diberikan
hopes for a smooth n safe 'journey'....
Thursday, June 21, 2007
my recents discovery
before this... everytime i found edible items with this particular ingredient inside... i'm not buying the items cos i thought we.... muslim can't eat it...
few days ago... while eating my 'asam'... i noticed that... the 'forbidden thing' was in there... opsie...!!!!!
so..... i googled for the word.... tq to wikipedia
what a relief.... :):):)... what am i thinking about all this while uhh!
p/s: gambar di atas hya sbg hiasan!!!! :D
pps: we're at seri pelangi muar, i'm here to visit students who's on practical/industrial training.... 1 in muar n the other 1 in kluang.... balik kg jg ler agendanya.... org kat dept mcm tahu klu johor nya related task... nolila's here!! *wink*
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
my lil boy's story
Been quite sometimes neglecting this space of mine... always planning to share something especially both ceramonies during last school breaks (maybe for the next entry :D).....
Nway.... last monday, me n hubby went to aliff's school for report card signing and updating on he's progress wif his teacher (i never thought they have this session in Msia.... cos they do in that's good aye).... aliff didn't get a very good 'number' during his mid term exam and he only managed to secure this 'position'.... 32/47 and the spoiler for this result of course his penulisan and kefahamam which he scored C for both.... i don't blame him for this though because, his overall percentage is 75.2% which is B.... so if aliff able to get A for his BM i'm sure his ranking will shooting high.... to overcome this, i bought him BM exercise books.... and looking for more after this....
Regarding his attitude at school, his teacher told us there's nothing to worry about.... he's a good student and always obey/listen to instructions but, boys will always be boys sometimes.... that's a relief.... hmmm when we're there he went to canteen with his fren n when he came back to us he told me that he gave his fren 50cents cos his fren want to use the public phone.... sabor je lah but i know he's always being generous to all his frens... from what he told me.
Whatever it's, as a mum I'm always praying for his well being/successful in life....
p/s:last fri we bought him a new school bag with the 'tyre' that he's been requesting for quite sometimes.... so during weekend tu dok tarik2 ler begnya tu ke hulur ke hilir n siap tgk jadual for mon on fri evening itself.... sabo jer lah.... but it's really a good feeling that we feels inside when we can see our kids happy isn't?
p/s1: adik pun sibuk nak beg roda gak wif princess characters on it.... hmmm really expensive nearly RM90... so adik didn't get it.... carik helah ler :) cian dia.... will get it once she enter the 'real' school , ni pi nursery just bawak baju nak beroda segala baik tak yah hahahahahah.....
Thursday, May 24, 2007
am now typing this post in my office using my new pc.... with the flat screen monitor :) ... so baru ler cam ada byk sket space kat my table ni.... finally the increment was announced last Monday, so dpt ler 15% ok lah kan with 100% for COLA... and am planning some investment/saving for that...
Last few days tgk HMI and ada hajjah rohani talked about financial... betul pun what she said that if i put aside some of my salary from that increment i wouldn't realized bout the money... lgpun before this cukup so anggap lah cukup jg lps ni even after the increment tu pun... n off course ler the saving that am planning must be auto debit from my account once the salary is in... paham2 jer ler kan.... *wink*.......
so tomorrow will be the last day before the school holidays.... means that we'll be busy traveling for the engagement & wedding ceremonies....... hmmmm!!!!!!
till then.......... adios!
Last few days tgk HMI and ada hajjah rohani talked about financial... betul pun what she said that if i put aside some of my salary from that increment i wouldn't realized bout the money... lgpun before this cukup so anggap lah cukup jg lps ni even after the increment tu pun... n off course ler the saving that am planning must be auto debit from my account once the salary is in... paham2 jer ler kan.... *wink*.......
so tomorrow will be the last day before the school holidays.... means that we'll be busy traveling for the engagement & wedding ceremonies....... hmmmm!!!!!!
till then.......... adios!
Friday, May 11, 2007
The reason for a smile on my face.......
2 days more until the mother's day celebration....
up to this morning
i already received 2 stalks of flower (plastic ler....:D)
from my beloved boy...
the 1st one he gave me last week 1 think (the one with the liquid inside the flower)
the 2nd one.... this morning of course.....
with the green tag written "SELAMAT HARI IBU"
i'm so touched........
then i asked him.... 'how much it cost abang?'
he said....'1 ringgit ibu....'
hmmmm........... priceless kan....
Till then.... happy mother's day to all mothers out there......muahhssss!!!!
up to this morning
i already received 2 stalks of flower (plastic ler....:D)
from my beloved boy...
the 1st one he gave me last week 1 think (the one with the liquid inside the flower)
the 2nd one.... this morning of course.....
with the green tag written "SELAMAT HARI IBU"
i'm so touched........
then i asked him.... 'how much it cost abang?'
he said....'1 ringgit ibu....'
hmmmm........... priceless kan....
Till then.... happy mother's day to all mothers out there......muahhssss!!!!
p/s: btw the 1st flower rm1.50 :)
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
i braved myself yesterday morning to do things that i suppose to do for ages.......... & the reason for procrastinating for soooo long is about similar with other women ........... 'segan ler (the most common 1).... & apa2 reasons yg sewaktu dgn nya.... *wink*...'
yap... i did my pap smear test.....
will get to know the result after a week.....
so.... what's next?
the 'big plan' perhaps!!!!!
till then........ toddles!!!
yap... i did my pap smear test.....
will get to know the result after a week.....
so.... what's next?
the 'big plan' perhaps!!!!!
till then........ toddles!!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
now i can blog kat mana2 :D.... now on the way back to kl... in the car.... so saja jer test nie hehehhe..
we're now subscribing celcom 3g using the data card... ok ler servicenya.... cuma kat area our hse takde 3g connection so slow ler sket cos using gprs... tp still ok ler...... so balik kg pun tak de problem ler pasal internet.... since hubby's work using internet connetions as the means of his work so klu takde internet bila kena kemana2 especially bila balik kg mmg habislah ler dia tu ler pasal kena gak guna celcom 3g tu.... kebetulan lak masa subscribe tu tgh ada promo so lg ler canteknya.........
so moi pun blh ler tumpang sekaki :)
till then...... adios!
we're now subscribing celcom 3g using the data card... ok ler servicenya.... cuma kat area our hse takde 3g connection so slow ler sket cos using gprs... tp still ok ler...... so balik kg pun tak de problem ler pasal internet.... since hubby's work using internet connetions as the means of his work so klu takde internet bila kena kemana2 especially bila balik kg mmg habislah ler dia tu ler pasal kena gak guna celcom 3g tu.... kebetulan lak masa subscribe tu tgh ada promo so lg ler canteknya.........
so moi pun blh ler tumpang sekaki :)
till then...... adios!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Kat johor since last saturday.... got work to do in johor for our dept's project.... so long holiday for hubby n the kids... but not for moi........
Hubby pun sibuk siapkan apa yg perlu kat kg cos we have a wedding in june... 9th of june to be precised for our side.... talked about wedding my younger sis's engagement party is on the 29th of may... so pusing2 ler kitaorg nanti....... to kuantan for the engagement then backto kl.... then back to johor again for akad nikah and the ceremony on the bride's side the following weekend.... maybe hubby n kids will stay in johor for our side's ceremony while i'm back for work....... hmmmmm macam2 sungguh ler bila school holiday kan........
Till then....... adios!
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Wah been quite sometimes dah tak berblogging :).... got some stories to share but unable to post anything.... mcm2 ler alasannya.......
So today... my beloved son losing 1 of his teeth.... rongak dah anak ibu.... actually dah almost a week he's been complaining bout his teeth so finally today we bring him to the dentist.... tak berani wooo nak pull out myself.... lgpun cam kesian jer....... kot sakit......
Before that in the morning bring aisyah to the clinic cos she's having a mild fever.... esp malam ler, in the morning cam ok but since ubat kat fridge yg bln feb nya so bawak gak ler dia ke klinik then send her to the nursery....... talking bout nursery..... my anak dara nie, in the morning when sending her.... she will keep on reminding me or hubby (when hubby send us) by saying...... 'nti amik adik cepat...' n god knows how many times...... lotih nak menjawab..... sabar jer lah.... n people keep saying......... 'nak kena ada adik tu.......' maybe betul kot kan...... :D it's about time.... tp cam ada jer alasannya........ entah ler!!!!!!
Till then...... adios!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Eight years ago...
On that day
Witnessed by family n frens
We became husband n wife
Thank you very much
For ur unconditional love....
support n everythin...
Through our 8 yrs together
Aliff n Aisyah
The proves on our love
May we celebrate
This day of the year
every year.........
Till death do us apart
p/s: no fancy celebration just dining out wif the family........ financial restrictions hehehehe.....
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Now i know.........
After being away for merely 25 days
Now i know how's it feel
when you're not around ur loved ones
Before, i can share the feelings
but now i can feel it.......
experienced it meself.....
and i know it's hard.... really hard
Salute those people
who can abides the feeling
of missing their loved ones
while pursuing the dreams........
Now i know
I'm happy that
I'm back with my loved ones
Even though
I'm a little bit dissapointed
with the unfinished 'plan'
Till then......... adios!
tq to dear hubby for the excellent job in taking care of the kids n hse chores while I'm away, i'm really happy and proud to know that I can count on you in everything.........
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Will be..........
in the 'silent' mode
MY MISSION accomplished
maybe will be back here again
in this space of mine
in April..........
till then..... toodles!!!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
My other 'home'
everytime when I entered this room
I'll do the same routines....
1- open the key lock/door (of course ler or else camne nak masuk kan heheheh)
2- turn on the lights
3- turn on the air-con
4- switch on my desktop
5- open the blind (nie dlm this year kot bukak be4 this tak terperan lak heheh)
and for sure everyone had their own routines right....
ALMOST 9 hrs a day during working days (plus minus of course... heheheh)
Till then...... toodles!!!!
Friday, February 09, 2007
All about her.....
cos of her on/off fever + cough
she's finally back on her feet again today.... alhamdulillah
that's how she'll react everytime i want to take her pic...
have to pujuk2/takutkan dulu...
then she'll agree... sabo jer lah
maybe kids nowadays dah boring with the camera kan...
talk about camera... alhamdulillah
my digicam dah ok
the problem was the charger
so now can back to pose mode heheheh....
Aisyah really loves her long hair
Pagi2 always x nak basahkan rambut...
So mandinya... paham2 jer lah...
If i let her took her own shower...
Lg ler... tgk2 she's ready in a new outfit
Hmmm.... tak dengar lak bunyi air... lalalalala....
Hmmm.... tak dengar lak bunyi air... lalalalala....
Thursday, February 08, 2007
A little celebration....
5th february 2007, marked ur 7th birthday.... how time flies, really2 fast.... i feels old now :))
wish u all the best dear son....
Glad that u're happy with our small celebration... maybe there'll be no birthday party for u this year... n of course if u don't get ur party.... adik will not getting it too......:) don't worry sayang....
To Abang,
WE LOVE U... SOOOOOO MUCH.... muahhhhhhh
..... ayah, ibu & adik.......
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Terbang sana sini....
During AirAsia promotion on 1 mil free seats before, I managed to secure a trip for our family + my sis... achik to 'a destination' this september... yap still loooooog way to go... but, at least we have enough time to put aside some money for hotel, foods, etc... :)
And.... this morning hubby called & told me about MAS promotion to few destinations with tixs worth RM7... and there's 'a destination' that we plan to go to since i have a voucher with a very good deals for accomodation + meals.... hmmmm interesting i'll go for a visit to MAS webbie after this kot.... pe2 pun jln2 ittew seharusnya after I'm settled with my 'things' at the moment... so everything have to be after March ler.... insyaAllah.
Till then.... babai!!!!
p/s: an update of the air fare... the lowest price from MAS is RM9... sorry for the wrong info heheheh.... n it's actually for certain destinations/routes only.... n the price still not compatible to the 'destination' that I wanna go... better travel by car then....
And.... this morning hubby called & told me about MAS promotion to few destinations with tixs worth RM7... and there's 'a destination' that we plan to go to since i have a voucher with a very good deals for accomodation + meals.... hmmmm interesting i'll go for a visit to MAS webbie after this kot.... pe2 pun jln2 ittew seharusnya after I'm settled with my 'things' at the moment... so everything have to be after March ler.... insyaAllah.
Till then.... babai!!!!
p/s: an update of the air fare... the lowest price from MAS is RM9... sorry for the wrong info heheheh.... n it's actually for certain destinations/routes only.... n the price still not compatible to the 'destination' that I wanna go... better travel by car then....
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Hmmmm..... utk menghilangkan'fenin' ini....
.....dengan kerja office yg tak habis2 (nama pun kerja kan heheheheh).... tp mmg pening ler meeting tak habis2 & ada jer yg nak kena disiapkan.... with the new status that my uni get.... means that more works/research need to be done.....
.....esok pun ada 1/2 day workshop n of course it's all about RESEARCH..... fenin ler.......
....till then, bubbyes!!!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Still here..........
.....just that not really in the mood of blogging plus the problem in accessing/signing in my blogger account from the office add all to it.
So many things happened..... tapi dah lama sgt tak tahu dah which one to blog about hehehehe....
As for the kids, alhamdulillah they're catching up with school/kindy (nursery) pretty well.
I no longer faced a problem in sending aisyah to kindy + nursery whereas in the first 2 weeks there'll always crying + screaming + running around the car scenes in the morning while sending her off. But now she's the one who will remind me that we're late to 'school'.
Aliff also enjoying his school days.... the problem is with the school uniforms that I need to bear with..... sabo jer lah... i have no idea what he's playing with his fren at school that his uniforms (tgk 's' tu sbb tuk sekolah pagi & ptg....) need to be changed everyday..... yg sekolah agama lg tak tahan cos sekolahnya for only 3 hrs.... but still proses penyentalan selalu ler took place.... (klu malas tu mmg masuk terus jer washing machine... tp mmg tak hilang ler sgt kotornya tu....)
So... till then.... need to continue with my work........ toodles!
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