She's watching Barney
(she's really into barney nowadays... Hi5 pun dah tak layan sgt) at the mo.... just now after putting on the vcd, i asked her to clean up all the toys etc... blh dia jawab... 'ibu look i'm too sweaty to clean up' which means tak blh ler tu sbb dah berpeluh2 tu... but sometimes when she's in the mood of doing the house keeping... mmg kemas betul ler... at one time i just have a look while she's cleaning the mess, and guess what she managed to put all the things where it supposed to be.... e.g: there's a cup in the living room, she took it n put in the sink, rubbish in the bin etc.... so oklah anak dara nie dah blh ler diharapkan.... sometimes ler. Hmmm while writing this... here she is.... 'ibu, look at my lovely dress...' habis dah comot kena aiskrim yg ayah beli td.... now she's taking a shower
(again) cos she said she's all wet kena aiskrim td.... sabo jer lah ngan si aisyah nie...
(this pix was taken during raya haji this year at Al-hidayah mosque)
Comelnya anak dara U nie, harap yg dlm perut nie akan ikut jejak Kak Aisyah yer....
Seronok kalau anak2 dah boleh tolong kan. Anak2 maklang boleh tolong buat sepah je.....
cute betul aishah... just wondering what her mother is majoring in?
how's life down under? is it really like in the news where they really hate muslims there? i'm concernd because my brother and his wife + 1 baby girl plans to go to melbourne to both further their studies...
einn: hi U... lahh budak kecik sume cute heheheh... baby U nti pun for sure comel gak....
maklang: sama ler tu ngan budak berdua nie... buat sepah no. 1, sajer lah train sket2 hehehe
izhal: hi..., i'm curently doing my study in agribusiness.
life's good here in down under as far as what we'd experienced. about the news tu not really lah... sket2 tu maybe ada (due to terrorism etc)... but i've never faced it. So, nothing much to worry about....
ala la la laa.. comelnya.
KAKAK kalau pakai tudung sure senget benget. pulak tu pesen yang ada tali and ropol2 kat kepala. macam anak indon.
you buat phd yek? WOW!
hello me again,
agribusiness??? you wouldnt happen to be from UPM now would you???
ummi: aisyah tu klu nak pakai tudung nak mcm ibu punya... tu ler pasal.... yg ropol2 tu bila balik nti kot....
izhal: ya.... i'm a tutor fr UPM, n how bout U? UPM jg ker?????
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