Friday, December 29, 2006
So smlm dah selesai lah hari suai kenal aliff kat sekolah barunya... dan alhamdulillah semua ok... ujian diagnostik BM tu ok jer tgk dia jawab.... so far yg ella tgk dia jawab semua betul .... mcm mn tahu.... sbbnya ella suruh aliff duduk kat first seat sebelah pintu depan tu jer..... actually tak terfikir pun in the first place klu dia duduk situ senang nak tgk dia buat test tu... tp kira orait ler sbb dpt tgk apa yg dia jawab tu heheheheh.......
Semlm dah sibuk tanya... when he can go back to school.... tak sabo dah tu.... apa2 pun harap dia enjoy ler sekolah kat sini..... so rabu depan dah kena buat jadual baru dah every morning.... nak pikir menu apa utk dia tiap pagi.... hmmmmmmmm.....
Ok lah.... salam aidil adha dan selamat tahun baru buat semua.... kami balik beraya di trg this year.... till then.... babai!!!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Starting of the new beginning....
Friday, December 08, 2006
Conferences week
so for this ISSAAS conference I'm in the committee, so busy ler sket.... and next week on the 12th will be the agri-congress at the Marriott Putrajaya (hotel nie lg...) and for this 1 I'll present a paper.... powerpoint dah siap tinggal nak practise jer....
ptg smlm my SIL n her family arrived at our hse.... so kesian ler diaorg sbb tuan rumah busy with the conference this weekend.... mlm nie ler kot klu nak plan ke mn2 (plan nak ke sogo hehehee) cos tomorrow night ada conference's dinnner kat cerana cheras.... dengar cite cantik restoren tu....
K lah... have a great weekend guys....!!!!!
Monday, December 04, 2006
The weekend....

So Aisyah's 1 happy girl that night for sure........ the pics of that party will be uploaded soon... i hope heheheheheh......... and yesterday after am back from the workshop (luckily it's just 1/2 day yesterday).... without earlier planning we went to sungai tekala... (cos the kids and all our sis been staying home all this while kan) actually hubby wanted to go somewhere near pangsun... but after 4 years we can't really get the idea with the roads/highways... nie pun smlm entah jln mn2 we all pegi... sampai semenyih segala heheheheh).... reached there around 3.30pm.... ok lah since the kids enjoyed themself.... me not even dipped my legs in the water.... malas ler nak tukar baju sume tu.... so hubby ler melayan the kids swimming etc...
so guys enjoys the pics of my hubby's latest 'project'.... still needs some touch-up here n there... maybe some more accessories will do good kan....
till then....adios!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Meaning of my name
N You like to work, but you always want a break. (this one cam2 110% true.. kekekeke... esp. 'break' tu)
O You are very open-minded. (ok ler jgk yg ni pun....)
L Love is something you deeply believe in. (eheheheh....... betui gak)
I You are always smiling and making others smile. (yg nie kang ngaku perasan lak heheheheh)
L Love is something you deeply believe in. (ulang 2x lagi... betui kot heheheheh)
A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind. (betui gak ler... sume org pun camtu kot kan... tp wif me yg 'mulut byk' nie lg kena ler kot hmmmmm)
p/s: rajin ler plak berblogging hari2 la ni.......
n dah lama ler tak put on my kid's pics kat blog ni kan.... tunggu............
till then...... adios
Monday, November 27, 2006
Yesterday morning we went to Bukit Jalil.... let the kids playing while jogging/exercising... ok ler cos berpeluh ler jgk... so maybe this will be our weekly outing/exercising at the park.... lps tu apa lg.... continued with the heavy breakfast at the stall.... hehehehehe..... sungguh tak sesuai.....
K lah need to continue with my powerpoint presentation......... till then..... bye!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Princess (25/11)
hati yg panas.......
Just to cool down meself..... everythin do happen for a reason.... n lucky enough i have a strong support as he's well known enough for his special 'capabilities'...... nway i do hate him.... full stop.
Have a nice weekend y'all
p/s; Gonna have a long meeting with peter tomorrow before he's off to his home country.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
citer maha
Em sending my sis to the LCCT (tul ker shortform tu heheheheh) airport during luch time today as she's going for a holiday at Sabah (jelesnya.... cos asyik jln2 jer my sis sorang nie....)
Till then....... bye!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Cerita lagi.......
Bila pikir2 nak extend the family.... now pun still mcm ada anak kecik cos still kena bangun during night time.... n manja dia mmg lebey2 kadang2 tu.... mcm org cakap ler....'tu nak kena bg adik tu baru tak leh manja cam tu....' entah lah maybe not so soon kot.... tp kita merancangkan.... k lah byk lak bebel.... nak gi pasar mlm sat.... finally berjaya gak pose for the 5th day.... lg sehari maybe this tuesday cos weekend tak leh sbb nak jln raya :) & monday lak ada aktiviti sukaneka my fakulti.... syawal yg last lak tu.... first time habis terus ganti puasa straight after ramadhan (klu selasa ni jd pose ler.... cos nie dpt 5 hari direct.... kang dah stop tu tau2 ajerlah kan...)
K till then....... bye
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Talking bout aliff will be in Primary 1 soon.... we still didn't go for school uniforms shopping n of course we have to buy both uniforms for Sek. Kebangsaan (in the morning) & Sek. Agama (in the afternoon).... maybe need to buy 3 pairs uniform for each school.... or 2 pairs... will see how much it $$$$ :).... can't imagine aliff carrying a heavy school bag to school cos he never experienced this while he's in perth.... (darjah 1 pun bawak beg berisi lunch box shj....) n maybe i have to consult with my sis or fren bout the suitable bag for him cos I've now idea on how many books that he needs to bring to school everyday.... :(
Last time when he's in perth.... after coming back from school he'll straight away went to the TV room n watching cartoon of course.... n I kept telling him that he'd not have a chance to do this once he's in school in M'sia (no homework pun masa kat sana.....) so we'll see how's he going to handle this... n me too of course.... to make sure he'll do all his homework.... :) so this is the 2nd time aliff in Primary 1 (cos he's been in Year 1 pun masa kat sana) and hopefully he can catch up well with all the subjects especially Bahasa Malaysia and Agama/Jawi.
Ops i need to contact somebody in UPM regarding kindy for Aisyah as em planning to send her at UPM's nursery/kindergarten.
K lah byk lak bebel.... till then... toodles!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
More on readings than writing lately.... that's the reason for not blogging!!!!
Till then..... !!!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Terkenang semasa dulu....
So next sem I'll start teaching... sib baik satu subject jer.... bila ingat2 takut gak... hmmm nak kena berguru lebih sket ler kot.... especially nak handle nervous.... heeeiiii segan gak klu nervous student blh detect cos for sure my voice will sound shaky... macam2 sungguh.......
Monday, October 30, 2006
Seronok raya?
smlm lak pegi kenduri kawen kat banting n jln2 rumak kawan kat putrajaya..... so tak abis lg ler jln2 raya nampaknya..... raya tahun nie my anak bujang dah start nyanyi lagu raya.... lawak jer dengo dia nyanyi lagu balik kampung sbb liriknya jadik terabur ikut suka hati dia hehehehe.....
k lah.... till then........ toodles!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Macam-macam jugak lagi....
-since Monday duk beli jer cos kat rumah there's some 'hentaman' in progress.... so my kitchen officially closed.... not sure when it'll re-open :D nway....hopefully can continue with the new one after raya....
- tup-tap tup-tap few days left for puasa.... cepat kan masa....
For Raya....
- will get my cookies n cake tomorrow....
- baju raya.... dah beli casual clothes for our kids (2 pairs each)... next, need to hunt for baju kurung n baju melayu for the kids n ibu.... ayah pakai the previous years so the colour should follow ayah's baju :)
- will go back to Johor tomorrow evening... so our first raya will be in batu pahat.... second day raya.... to terengganu.... then on saturday will be back to kl from kt....
For 'something'....
- I'm on 'something' started last night.... hopefully this time around I'm seriuos enough & will give me the +ve outcome...
And, I would like to wish all my fren bloggers or not :)
Friday, October 13, 2006
Raya songs everywhere :)
Salam Aidilfitri buat semua.......tata!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
The haze
Well.... as said... life goes on....
p/s: kat opis pepagi nie nak tengok final year students from my dept presenting their final year project....
Till then... toodles!!!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Finally he did it
So last night i asked him how's he feel
' i'm happy because i can get my tortoise tomorrow...'
hhehehehe.... tuntut ler tu....
then boleh plak tu...
'if i can do it again tomorrow i can get another pet'
manyak cantik lor.... of course i've straighten the idea/deal hehehehe....
This morning he said he want to follow ayah to send ibu to work & when i told him that i'm going to work on my own he started to cry cos he said he wanna go to the pet shop after sending me.... mmg tak sabar when he wanna have something.... & it's more on my traits kot hehehehe cos me myself also like that one maaa.... sabo jer ler.... so like son like mother lor!!!!
Ops there's something funny..... Aisyah kan still not fasting then anak dara tu bkn main lg makan n all in the car.... so yesterday evening when we're in the car Aisyah eating lollipop... we keep reminding Aliff that he can't even licked the lollies.... then boleh ker dia cakap..... 'can i smell n touch the lollies....' sabo jer lah.... dapat cium pun jadik tu.....
Till then.... babai!!!!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Macam-macam jugak...

Some people keep asking me whether i missed perth or not... the answer is... i do miss perth but sometimes doesn't have a time to think too much about it :) .... (k wan, ina n all i do miss u k... ) of course the lifestyle do change A LOT.... like me especially when it comes with COOKING ler hehehehe.... so far it's been twice that i cooked a decent meals for my family :).... azam ADA.... tp ada jer somethin' that limited my azam heheheheheh... nways hopefully once i get my dream kitchen.... i'll try my best to cook everyday.... hmmmm bila tu yer.... (alasan lg ler tu... )
Bout my kids.... Aisyah still coping with the weather... cos she still kept scrathing all the times.... night times lagi ler... kesian tgk dia asyik tergaru2 manjang... cream dah beli maybe takes time sket ler kot... her skin.... mmg ler tak cantik skrg especially at her back n tummy area.... sian my anak dara huhuhu.......
Aliff had started fasting n his record so far was 6pm.... why he can wait till that time cos he wanna have tortoise as a pet n the deal was he has to fast the whole day like ibu n ayah... since he's still can't get the deal done... no tortoise yet :( so every day he said he wanna have a try... like this morning he didn't wake up for sahur cos he slept quite late last night... when hubby tried to wake him up he said he doesn't want to... so hubby just leaved him back to sleep... n before i left to work he asked me....
'ibu.... did you eat at night time last night?'
i said yes i do eat last night.... masa tu tak terpikir pasal sahur i thought after berbuka mlm tadi....
'no... eat at night time... when u're sleeping'
then i understand... yes i did....
'but why don't u wake me up...?
ayah did wake you up but u said no....
'i didn't remember i said no...."
hehehehehe.... so konpem ler tak berjaya lg dia nak dpt tortoise tu....
But of course he'll get one soon.... the deal just to motivate him :)
Ohhh... my shipping goods arrived safely at my door last friday.... we paid an agent to clear all our things and delivered it straight to our door.... easy hey... cos the price paid still within our budget so just let them do what they're best in kan.... luckily all the boxes were there... n sib baik gak yg pecah sket2 tu not the one that can makes me cry hehehehehe.... ada ler pecah 2 so far... n rasanya tak der lg kot cos hubby had unpacked most of the boxes... n susun elok2 kat bilik bawah tu.... waiting to put in the right place.... when the right place is ready hehehehe.... entah2 apa2 ler yg i tulis nie....
K lah till then.... toodles!!!!!
p/s: gambar kat araluen masa our last visit tu....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Buat semua bloggers.... diam tak diam dah 3 hari menunaikan ibadat puasa di bln Ramadhan al-mubarak nie... first day puasa kat kg hubby cos we balik kg friday night tu... then lps berbuka etc nearly 11.30pm we left kg... dah ler kereta ada problem lak so kena ler hubby drive carefully n slow ler dr biasa n on the way tu sent my sis in law to her hse in Sentul... so we arrived home nearly 3.30am then terus sahur.... penat ler cos tak habis2 travel... hmmm... so maybe lps nie balik kg terus utk raya lah
On the other notes..... bout me n family.... since backed to our beloved hse.... baru berapa kali jer masak tu pun only cooked the simple meals.... the reason being cos we doesn't have a fridge yet.... actually we do have our old fridge but it's out of gas.... n mmg ler it's time to get a new fridge pun.... so last night we went to the electricals shop n bought ourself the new fridge n washing machine.... so no more excuses after this for not cooking and washing all the dirty laundry meself :)
And..... after four times raya di perantaun, this year i had a chance to 'make' my kuih raya by just using my fingers...what a bliss, and i already placed my orders last friday..... hehehehe terover lah plak blum pose pun dah order kan.... sabo jer lah.... actually byk lg nak tulis nie but there's something wrong lah plak with my desktops nie.... took me ages to finish this post.... boring giler... sib baik IT man dtg amik utk repair.... k lah dah penat dah melayan karenah komputer nie... till then.... toodles
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
talking about baby.... peoples around me keep asking me this 'cepu mas' question...
yer ler since Aisyah will turn 4 this november.... & of course I'd like to expand my family
pe2 pun have to finish whatever that needed to be done... then insyaAllah
Monday, September 18, 2006
My first.....
- on my first day @ work...
- in my new office @ the new building (my dept move to this new building last 2/3 yrs kot)
- from serdang, malaysia
alhamdulillah me n family safely arrived at klia last sunday @ 10.10pm.... so the first week tu mmg busy giler.... monday went for report duty then automatically given 1 week leave... so terus balik johor... then rabu lak balik ganu... on the way singgah my sis hse kat ktn... overnight kat rumah dia then thursday morning pi balik ganu... sempat lak singgah jumpa k kam kat kemaman yg dok menghabiskan cutinya kat msia (sib baik jumpa cos sunday dia nak balik perth... tak tahu bila lg nak jumpa dia maybe tunggu dia cuti2 malaya lg ler kot)... tido ganu smlm then jumaat ptg balik kuantan lg... overnight lg... saturday morning ke bt pahat semula... n finally last night after maghrib... ke seri kembangan lah plak.... fuuuhhhh... mmg penat sungguh....
Kesian my kids asyik travel jer... sib baik takde demam ker apa cuma selsema jer... tapi habis ler menjadi mangsa si nyamuk... especially aisyah ler dok suruh kita garu dia jer.... muka budak berdua tu mmg mcm pakai blusher jer ler sampai org tegur... tp now dah ok sket ler... they're coping well with the weather n environmt... cuma cam aliff still cakap nak balik australia sbb mcm2 ler reason yg dia bg... :) skrg dioarg tgh nak belajar cakap melayu, masa kat kg nak kena explain ler kat nenek apa yg di cakapnya :)... so la ni nak kena maintain their english ler plak... so kena speaking london ler kat rumah nampaknya....
Skrg nie tgh busy nak mengemas rumah lak... hubby now tgh bersihkan rumah ler tu with the kids... brg2 shipping maybe sampai minggu ni & hopefully all our things in the good condition ler... or else menangis ler gue....
Hmmm.... pagi tadi was my first time driving back in serdang (msia ler gak... sbb dolu2 balik drive sket2 jer...) after four years.... hehehehe mmg ler betui kena ikut pepatah masuk kandang kambing mengembek masuk kandang rimau mengaum.... no wonder ler masa round2 malaya ari tu hubby drive n me dok gelak2 kan dia dah tukar jadi mat rempit driving kat msia... kita pun sama ler bila dok kena selit2 tu.... sib baik jem nya sket jer pagi.... mmg mcm langit ngan bumi ler bila kenang2 masa driving kat perth :)
K tu ler laporan saya dr bumi msia.... till then... toodles!!!
p/s: terima kasih byk2 pada kawan2 yg menolong semasa kami sibuk mengosongkan rumah etc.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Busy lah....
All the shipping goods will be collected this afternoon
Maybe lps nie lega sket kot...
Ops lupa have to continue with the house clearing n cleaning...
Eiiiii.......... letihnya....
Till then......... toodles
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Makin terasa...

1- hasil tangkapan ikan brime yg paling besar pernah dipancing hubby selama 4 thn di perth...(even ada pakcik/mat saleh yg cakap tak pernah tgk brime sebesar ni selama 20thn memancing :D)
2- anak2 dara pingitan perth :)
3- muka my anak dara yg tak sihat... demam lah plak dia masa hari tu... (now pun still tak ok lg)
4- satay.... antara menu utama....
5- tetamu2 menjamu selera...
6- satay lagi....
7- tetamu lg....
8- suasananya
9- sblm pulang.... gambar beramai2 bersama makcik n pakcik sekeluarga... (me not included... tgh cuci tangan sbb Aisyah termuntah before tu...)
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hmmm k till then.... toodles...
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Welcome to Perth Zoo
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Sbln jer lg....
About 1 mth to go....
Mcm2 perasaan ada....
Malas nak pikir....
There's thing needs to catch up...
Friday, August 04, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Hmmm.... napa ler tak buat awal2... that's the question.... nway.. sume yg berlaku ada hikmahnya... enuff said... so just go ahead with the new plan....!!!!!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Hopefully he'll support my decision/plan 100%. Amin.....
Thursday, July 27, 2006
We'll never know
Mmg selama nie selalu mendapat e-mail berkaitan dr org yg tak dikenali dan bila mendapat e-mail dari rakan yg dikenali membuatkan peringatan utk sentiasa bersedia bertambah dlm... so balik nti yg pertama nak kena make sure dilakukan ialah insuran kesihatan keluarga (dah ambil sblm dtg sini dulu tp tak continue....) cos we'll never now if one day we might face somethin' like this.... klu blh mmg ler berdoa semoga dijauhkan tp we'll never know qada' & qadar ALLAH...
So pada rakan2 yg membaca blog nie yg ingin turut sama membantu meringankan tanggungan perbelanjaan pembedahan yg berjumlah RM50K yg perlu disediakan oleh keluarga Hasan boleh lah tinggalkan ur e-mail di dan saya blh fw the related e-mail to you.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
For you
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
bukan lg rahsia...
Tgk news kat sini lak... tak hasis2 dgn berita serangan israel ke atas lebonan... moga mrk sume diberikan rahmat olehNya.... jugak news pasal tsunami kat pulau jawa... moga kita semua dilindungi ALLAH SWT.... mcm2 sungguh kan......
Off for now... till then... adios
Thursday, July 13, 2006
my kids

Now during winter.... our days started as early as 5am... they normally woke up when hubby getting ready to work... especially cik adik tu ler.... n of course they went to bed early around 6-7pm.... so around 6am dah mintak breakfast, sabo jer lah... n now their favourite... pagi2 mintak air milo nak cicah dgn biskut jagung... dah tak minntak cereal dah.... dulu hubby jer yg kerjakan biskut tu... now dah ada 2 org pengikut dah...
School holidays nie blm sempat lg bawak depa jln2... ingatkan nak ke city (school holidays mmg ada program/free activity provided by the gov) n zoo tp tak tahu bila.... maybe klu rasa nak pegi just pegi jer... plan2 selalunya susah nak jadik.. so tgk ler nti...
Skrg sejuk ya amats... esp. malam2/pagi2... but the weather just nice during the day... so klu kat meja mlm2 tu confirm kena pasang heather... the kids room mmg wajib pasang heather... tahu jerlah budak2 bkn reti nak selimut elok2.... so tunggu jerlah bil dtg nti nak kena bayar....
Hmmm... dah ler dulu membebel... keja blum siap2 nie... till then... toodles!
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Klu dpt shopping mmg......... I LIKE.... rasanya tanya sapa2 pun kan..... so tgk ler pegi ker tak ptg nie....
Ops for AF4 this year mmg tak ketinggalan ler sbb ada my fren tu.... student2 undergrad tlg donwnloadkan dr internet dan I pinjam n burn from her... kiranya lambat sket ler sbb pegi pinjam lambat... nie pun dah ada konsert 5 n 6 nak tengok mlm nie kot.... my fav is FAIZAL... caya lah ganu kita...
K... have a nice weekend guys... till then....
Thursday, July 06, 2006
itu... ini....
1- went to k-mart today for our last lay-by (beli/pilih brg yg berkenan yg on sale atau pun tak on sale....then bayar normally within 8-10 wks... depends on the store.... dah bayar habis then collect ler brg2 kita td...kat sini kebykan store sediakan perkhidmatan camtu... klu kat mesia ada kan best... or dah ada???)... actually the sales start today for christmas lay-by utk toys... so this time around for toys blh bayar up to before christmas... so we all ambik ler this opportunity beli toys for the kids... laptop barbie utk aisyah (dah lama janji nak beli since off 60 dollar tu yg beli tu), set luggage barbie... bionicles utk aliff... n few other toys... n some clothes..... n can u believe it we're in the line for 3 hrs 10 mins (mmg kira tau...start dr masuk barisan heheheh) macam nak patah jer my pinggang.... tak pernah ler pi first day camni utk sales christmas camni yrs before tu yg tak tahu camni sekali keadaannya... n i actually have a dateline tomorrow huhuhu..... sendiri mau ingat ler mlm nie.... n now blog ler plak.... ish(3x)
2- aliff's last day for school tomorrow for term 2... school holidays for 2 wks.... fenin ler kat rumah... cam biasa gaduh jer kerja diaorg tu.... baik kejap pas tu gaduh lg....
3- meeting with murray yesterday.... hmmm busy jer pakcik tu... nasib baik dah settle sket for his part.... dia bgth dia rasa sikit bersalah ler cos tak byk contribute this last 2 yrs cos he's busy with his roles as a pengarah utk desert knowledge research.... mmg terbang ke sana sini jer kerjanya.... sib baik ada peter.... tp dia mmg baik ler jgk.... so no complaint ler pasal kebaikan both my sv.... n dah bgth dia my last date here.... so mmg nak kena kejar tarikh ler nie.... make sure blh submit before balik.... tensionnya.....
4- peter nak pegi over d sea for the next week so nak kena bg chapters lg kat dia sebagai bekalan sblm dia pegi... n sib baik extended abstracts (2 paper jgn lupa) yg nak kena submit ke upm end of next week dah dlh postpone till early aug.... lega... result tuk papers tu sume dah ada n dah discuss pun dgn peter bout the results sume tu nak tulis jer tak sempat lg.... serabut ler nak buat yg mn dulu...
5- hmmm dah fenin dah... so gtg.... keja tak siap lg nie.....
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
take it easy.... boleh ker????
Well, lain padang lain belalang.... lain org lain lah 'pendekatannya' yer tak....
On the other unrelated notes.... since yesterday keeps discussing with peter about the paper needed for the conference back home this Dec... biasa ler dia tu... nak suruh buat 2 papers... ok fine... but smlm dok pikir2 eh eh... baik 1 poster n 1 oral paper... so tadi dah bgth dia... walau dgn berat hati... TERPAKSA ler dia relakan heheheheh... selamat den!!!!!
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Not feeling very well....
Aliff is indeed not feeling very well cos he keep on vomiting after eating some food... poor my lil boy but lucky enough his body temp. still at the normal rate for the time being... n he keep on sleeping all day... hopes he recovered well soon....
p/s: aduh penatnya merangka ayat2 for my thesis... rasa2nya ayat yg sama jer hehehehe.... hopefully by monday can submit to peter!!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
renungan bersama
Subject: FW: Keluhan Dato' Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah On Solat..
Solat lima waktu - 80 peratus tidak mengerjakannya(Dato Dr. Hj. Mohd. Fadzilah Kamsah).
SOLAT atau sembahyang merupakan ibadat yang amat penting bagi setiap Muslim yang mukalaf kerana ia adalah fardu ain. Ini diperkuatkan dengan sebuah hadis Nabi yang bermaksud: Solat itu tiang agama, sesiapa yang mendirikan solat bererti mendirikan agama dan sesiapa yang meninggalkan solat bererti ia meninggalkan agama.Pun begitu, pakar motivasi dan penceramah bebas terkemuka, Datuk Dr. Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah, mendedahkan 80 peratus umat Islam di Malaysia masih tidak menyempurnakan solat lima waktu dalam sehari.
Peratusan angka ini diperoleh melalui tinjauan beliau menerusi program-program ceramah dan motivasi, yang dijalankan di seluruh negara serta pemerhatian terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat Islam masa kini.``Mereka boleh berada di padang bola lebih dari satu jam, peniaga pasar malam terlalu sibuk melayan pelanggan sehingga terlupa menunaikan solat biarpun hanya mengambil masa 15 atau 20 minit. ``Malah ada juga yang sanggup membuang masa di pusat membeli-belah, pusat karaoke, menyaksikan konsert, menonton perlawanan bola sepak, terlibat dengan lumba motor haram selama berjam-jam tetapi mengabaikan taklif agama yang mengambil masa pendek,'' kata Dr. Fadzilah dengan suara tersekat-sekat menahan sebak pada majlis pelancaran album motivasinya yang berlangsung di salah sebuah hotel terkemuka di Jalan Pahang, Kuala Lumpur, baru-baru ini.
Tambah beliau, hanya sekitar 17 hingga 20 peratus yang menunaikan solat fardu cukup lima waktu dalam sehari. Jumlah ini terlalu kecil sekiranya dibandingkan dengan jumlah penganut agama Islam di negara ini. Lebih menyedihkan, senario yang berlaku di kalangan pelajar sekolah menengah, iaitu hanya 15 peratus sahaja mengakui bersembahyang lima kali sehari.
Kekecewaan dan kebimbangan Dr. Fadzilah jelas tergambar apabila beliau tidak dapat membendung air mata dan menangis, membuatkan hadirin tergamam seketika. ``Biarpun masa yang diperlukan itu pendek, tetapi banyak orang yang ingkar untuk melakukannya kerana tidak menghayati ibadah tersebut, natijah daripada tidak ada latar belakang pembelajaran agama.``Kewajipan solat sering dipandang remeh atau dianggap tidak ada nilai sensasi untuk diketengahkan kepada umum. ``Namun hakikatnya, ia terpaksa disampaikan ke pengetahuan semua kerana saya khuatir umat Islam akan menuju kehancuran apabila umatnya sudah seperti penganut agama lain yang sembahyang mengikut kehendak sendiri atau suka-suka sahaja,'' terang beliau.
Kata Dr. Fadzilah lagi, kepincangan ini terpikul di bahu setiap individu Islam itu sendiri, bak kata pepatah Melayu, tepuk dada tanya hati.Di dalam al-Quran, banyak firman Allah yang memerintahkan kita mengerjakan solat, antaranya dalam surah al-Baqarah ayat 43 yang bermaksud: Dan dirikanlah kamu akan sembahyang dan keluarkanlah zakat, dan rukuklah kamu semua (berjemaah) bersama-sama orang yang rukuk.Ini menjelaskan kepada kita bahawa orang yang menunaikan solat sebenarnya telah menunaikan tanggungjawabnya dan dikasihi oleh Allah dan rasul-Nya kerana mengikut ajaran Islam. ``Semua pihak kena peka terutamanya ibu bapa kerana tidak menerapkan kewajipan ini menjadi amalan harian di dalam diri anak-anak. ``Rasa kasihan untuk mengejutkan anak solat Subuh merupakan salah satu contoh kerugian besar dan cara yang salah dalam mempamerkan kasih sayang kepada anak .
``Sebenarnya di dalam solat manusia diajak untuk mengabdikan diri kepada Allah. Selain itu, solat merupakan benteng diri daripada melakukan perkara-perkara mungkar. ``Orang yang melakukan solat juga mampu menjadi orang yang melaksanakan tanggungjawab kepada diri, keluarga, masyarakat dan agama,'' kata Fadzilah. Menurut beliau lagi, terdapat banyak sebab rapuhnya keimanan seseorang itu; kerana suasana kerja, pengaruh teman-teman, pengaruh luar yang tidak menggalakkan dan sebagainya.
Namun, punca sebenar berlakunya demikian ialah kerana tidak ada rasa tanggungjawab atau minat untuk menunaikan sembahyang, kerana tidak memahami rahsia-rahsia keperluan sembahyang. Dr. Fadzilah mengakui kebenaran bahawa manusia lebih peka menumpukan perolehan yang bersifat material. ``Allah s.w.t. menyuruh agar manusia menjadikan dunia ini laluan bagi kehidupan di akhirat, tetapi manusia sering mengeksploitasi hidup di dunia ini, seumpama hidup yang kekal, menyebabkan mereka lupa hidup di akhirat dan membelakangkan perintah-perintah-Nya,'' ujarnya.
yer ker?
August 16 - 25 ~ Mouse
August 26 - 31 ~ Turtle (Me: 27/8)
If you are a Turtle:
You are near to perfect and nice at heart.The examples of your kindness
are always circulated in groups of people.You, too, love peace. You wouldn't
like to retaliate even to a person who is in the wrong. You are loved due
to this. You do not wish to talk behind one's back. People love the way
you always treat them. You can give, give and give love, and the best part
is that you do not expect it back in return.You are generous enough.Seeing
things in a practical light is what remains the best trait of you guys.
so people who knows me can tell whether this description fits me or not.... thehehehehhe
July 01 - 09 ~ Mouse
July 10 - 15 ~ Dog
July 16 - 26 ~ Dove (Hubby: 20/7)
July 27 - 31 ~ Cat
If you are a Dove: You
symbolize a very happy-go-lucky approach in life.Whatever the surroundings
may be, grim or cheerful, you remain unaffected.In fact, you spread cheer
wherever you go. You are the leader of your group of friends and good at
consoling people in their times of need. You dislike hypocrisy and tend
to shirk away from hypocrites. They can never be in your good books, no
matter what. You are very methodical and organized in your work. No amount
of mess, hence, can ever encompass you. Beware, it is easy for you to fall
in love....
hmmmmm.... yap true enough!!!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
My sis plak... tak tahu ler bila plak turn dia... calon2 dah ada tunggu nak tgk yg mn sesuai jer lah kot.... bila di tanya tunggu lah dulu... dok cakap dgn dia... umur dia la ni kita anak dah nak masuk 2... tp yer lah jodohkan, susah nak cakap.... maybe dia tunggu we all balik kot hehehehe........ so lps nie nak kena tlg kat majlis adik2 ler plak....
p/s: wah tak sangka socceroos blh menang lawan jepun mlm td... last2 minute lak tu blh jaringkan 3 bj gol.... (tak tgk pun mlm td... pg2 tu tanya hubby n tgk review kat morning show td... suka ler depa...) apa pun tahniah ler gak kat aussie's soccer team.... hmmm mesia bila plak yer????
Friday, June 09, 2006
So guys check this out....
Waahhhh.... kejap nyer dah weekend lg and it's already 9th of June.... huhuhuhuhu........
Happy weekend guys!!!!
Thursday, June 08, 2006

From the pics... the other side of the river is the city of Perth... yap just a small city....
Had a meeting with Peter today.... n during the meeting have to excuse meself cos I need to pick up Aliff from school.... n he said...' come and see me again tomorrow and we continue with the upstream analysis...' gud huh!!!!
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Monday is a public holiday.... it's queen's we'll have a long weekend.... aliff said... "Ibu... I don't need to go to school on Monday because teacher said she's tired and want to have a day off...' hmmmmmm yer ker cikgu cakap camtu.... apa2 ler....
Today after school, his classmate came home with him cos he's been asking me to let his fren to come over or let him go to his fren's hse... so instead of letting him to go to his fren's hse... i'm prefer to have his fren to come over.... so after giving them lunch etc... let them play PS2.... tup2 I heard Aliff crying.... why? cos he said his fren didn't give him a turn... ok fine... then his crying again... why? cos his fren playing it wrongly.... hmmmmm manja sungguh anak bujang ku ini.... so I said to him... next time no more frens to come over.... finito..... send his fren home around 5pm...... mcm2 sungguh.....
Happy weekend u'oals....
Thursday, June 01, 2006
di sini & di sinun
So we start our chatting bout our family.... then our study.... then bone china.... (which of course nak ler jgk... cos my other fren dah janji nak tlg belikan... n dah tgk ler smlm design2 mn yg bakal di beli theheheh) then i got to know that she already bought a car to bring home (of course most of u can guess what's the car is)... wah bestnya... n she send me 1 of her pic with the car in of course.... when hubby came back fr work, showed him the pic....
Hubby said...'tu ler ibu dulu tak nak gi UK...' hmmm bila pikir2 gi UK byk gak kita blh beli things that can really relate to the country... cam bone china tu... clark..bailey... queen anne... n the list goes on ler... n of course can tour europe kan... at least gi paris ker *wink* kat Oz sini apa yer??? Bessemer jer lah kot hehehehe... beli correlle pun tu more to US even murah lah jgk kat sini... hmmmmm.... apa2 pun yg ptg I'll get the degree nie kan...
p/s: izhal at least kat jepun tu blh gak bawak balik honda sejibik kan... *wink*
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
takziah... n cite weekend
Bila membaca berita2 sebegini memikirkan betapa bertuah nya dilahirkan di bumi bertuah Malaysia... hmmm can't wait to step my foot back home...
Hujung minggu baru2 nie... mcm biasa xtvt social masih berterusan... :) sabtu ke rumah k yati for her daughter's birthday party... mmg 3 minggu berturut2 sambut birthday party.... ahad plak pagi pusing2 swap mart... lps zohor 'balik kampung' (pegi rumah makcik) sbb dah dpt panggilan pulau ahad sblmnya.... (pakcik call mana pegi lama tak dtg rumah dia heheheh)... so klu dah sana mmg melekat habis dekat kul 9pm baru balik....
Hmm tu ler.... hujung minggu xtvt social dah ada dah.... sabtu... maljis sambutan birthday agong organised by malaysian consulate..... then maybe nak pi mancing sbb dah lama tak pegi nie... ahad plak hubby participate in golf tournament in conjunction with the king's bday... so duk rumah ngan anak2 jer lah kot n siapkan keja sekolah huhuhuhu...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006

n today.... i received their reply... so fast haaa.... that's really a good customers service hey...
n this is what i got:
Dear Nolila,
We received your recent e-mail and wish to thank you for your interest in our products.
We inform you that we do not use lard for the fabrication of our fragrances.
We look forward to your next visit on our website
PetraDior OnLine - Parfums Christian Dior
We invite you to visit our Fragrance & Beauty pages on
So.... now i can start using my perfumes back without 'was-was'..... or any of you have a thought bout this???
Friday, May 19, 2006
your chance???
Your chance to put yourself on the map home....
Its about the Agriculture Congress that will be organised by my faculty in December at Putrajaya. (I've presented in this same conference back in 2004)
Had a discussion about this with him yesterday.... since the money from my cost centre is more than enough for the conference fees... so, as for the time being 70% confirmed that I'll participate in this conference... have to bear in mind that I need to submit the extended abstract before 25th June (if I'm not mistaken) to the organisers.
Apart from this, my head department (at UPM) had e-mail me some of the related stuff that I need to handle once I report for duty.... and I've registered at MOSTI (as requested) yesterday for future research hehehehehe.... fenin!!!!!
Anyway first comes first serves... and its all about my thesis at the moment
Thursday, May 18, 2006
bestnya if i can have.....

Read about this XDA atom pure this morning in Berita Harian... wah so cantik... i've been dribbling for this for past few mths (hubby dah malas nak layan...sbbynya byk sgt mahunya theheheh)... the price here is about AUD1000 and i wish to have this once i'm home... and the price at home RM2988 (as for today)... about the same lah kan... hopefully by the time I'm home the price will be reduced more for a few hundreds....
Hmmmmm... hanya angan2kah ini.... huhuhuhu
p/s: ayah... dah janji kan heheheheheh.....
Ops... just to blog bout this... I was stopped by a policeman yesterday morning on my way to the office... (my first encounter being stopped by a policeman after nearly 7 yrs I owned a driving license for car... klu plus motorbike lg lama oooo) WHY???? cos i'm speeding around 60km/hr at the 50km/hr area.... it's not that i'm overrule the law... but for all this while i thought it's 60km/hr road.... hmmm lucky enough I just renew my license last week... i don't know whether I'll be fined or not cos mr policeman just ask for my license and confirming the address on my license then reminded me again bout the speeding limit at that road.... then let me go.... or else terbang ler AUD100 if they mail me the fine... huhuhuhuhu....
Saturday, May 13, 2006
The day
The big card n a box filled with teapot made fr biscuit + marshmallow, a teabag n a small book of kisses from aliff
The card n hand painted paper from aisyah (of course with my help when she did that at the playgroup hehehehhe)
From hubby.... apa yer... 'asked' him to buy me a cardigan (so i'll see if i can get it today)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Mana belajar????

adik: boys brain are made from old cow (benonye suruh repeat sbb mcm dengo tak dengo apa dia cakap)
me: apa aisyah cakap? (mmg selalu cakap malayu ngan diaorg even selalu dibalas in english... at least dia tahu BM... n of course dah balik nti terbalik ler plak)
adik: boys brain are made from old cow.....
me: tak baik cakap mcm tu... sapa ajar nie
adik: abang said... girls brain made from old chicken
abang: no... i didn't said that... aisyah said that
me: pandailah... tak baik tau cakap mcm tu...
pandai lah plak tukar topik jadik cite lain.... selalunya ada jer yg digaduhkan...
like this morning... after abg finished taking his shower... aisyah wanna have her turn... so masuk ler cik adik nie... while i'm in the kitchen frying cekodok n making some french toast for d kids... then i heard cik adik nie terjerit2 ckp the water is cold.... me apa lg... tahu nie mesti abg punya keja... mesti dia tutup hot water nya tap before dia keluar.... pi carik dia kat bilik...tgk dia tgh sengih... apa lg menjalar lah kejap si ketam... pagi2 pun dah gamat rumah nie... mcm tu ler tiap2 hari... maybe for abg it's something that soothing his ears when her heard adik crying her lung out.... entah ler.... fenin ibu!!!!!
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
in the points form

- mlm jumaat lepas rumah my fren dimasuki pencuri semasa diaorg semua tgh tidur... byk gak ler yg kena curik... cash, hp n few other gadgets... mmg berani sungguh depa nie... kitaorg assume maybe nie sume related gak ngan pukau or something like that sbb suami my fren masa tu tido kat luar n sempat ler diaorg masuk bilik2 sume yg berpenghuni utk carik brg2 tu sume.... mmg kat mn2 dah tak secure nie... hmmmmm
- hari nie ada farewell party to one of aliff's classmate as his parents is going back for good to Jordan.... + early celebrations for mother's day @ 2pm
- this sunday my colleague will be arrived @ 3pm... so have to pick them up from the airport n they'll stay @ our house while getting their own place.... so have to prepare gak for that
- my chapters byk lg nak kena add in nie.... janji nak submit next wk nie....
Monday, May 08, 2006
On Sunday

Went to Edith Cowan University's (ECU) open day...went there cos hubby's selling sausage sizzles...his fren asked hubby to sell sausage sizzles at their stall cos they doesn't have the equipment for that...since it doesn't need lots of preparation so we agreed.... while hubby's busy with his 'business' we touring around.... so that's among the things that we did....
On Saturday
hmmm already uploaded some pics... tp dok tekan butang itu ini dah terhilang plak all those pics... when i upload again... tak leh ler plak.. so i'll try again some other times ya....
On friday
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Nak masak apa yer?
i've came across one blog where the writer said she had prepared a timetable of the menu for a mth... so no hassle of kept thinking about it everyday... n it's easy too as u can prepare all the ingredients beforehand... i think that's really a good idea.... insyaAllah i'll try to do that once i'm home...
la ni... bkn apa... sometimes bila tak sempat ayam goreng n nasi pun OK.... n sometimes plak... breakfast carry forward.... n jadik lunch (that's applied when the breakkie is 'heavy' enough)... heheheheh n hopefully it's not just me who did that.... dan harap2 jgk jgn ler dah balik nti jd malas plak nak masak.... (maybe the 1st mth jer kot melepas perasaan + masa tu dapur maybe blum siap....alasan...heheheheh) request dapur sketnya canggih hehehehe.... appliances plak mcm2 nak.... sume nak kena ada.... hmmmm..... wait n see!!!!!!!
p/s: apa lah plak nak prepare utk esok.... penin kan sume nak kena pikir!!!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Dah submit
Whatever it's, just hopes that I can produce my complete draft before the end of June. So have to keep my words lah kan... cause at least I have 2 full mths to do the rewrite etc.... we just made our minds that we'll going back maybe somewhere early september..... but if there's a problem with my thesis....will extend our staying up to the end of sept... so c how ler.....
Enough with blogging... till then... toodles...!
Monday, May 01, 2006
OK dah....
Hmmm since dah install windows xp nie... tersuka plak guna mozilla firefox... never used this navigator before... OK jg yer....!!!
p/s: ina tadi 'terhantar' tak cdah ke sekolah? We did hehehehe.... buat penat jer prepare lunch box sume huhuhuhu.....
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
finally... jumpa jugak
ada jer kan yg menggangu konsentrasi kan........ adeh la....
what about me
bila hang nak balik m'sia. i dah habis dah pun. n balik 26 mei.
dr.shikin (he he he)
she's at the newcastle uni... n she went there 3 mths earlier than me... hmmm i'm happy that she has finished hers... but, what about me.... (nie blh sound ala2 lagu shannon noll nie). OK hopes this will motivate me more thinking about others that already had the 'title'.........
Back to work n.... as always... FOCUS!!!!!
Monday, April 24, 2006
ada jer....
Lps tu pusing2 kings park kejap since that clinic betul2 depan park tu... posing2 sat then singgah city sbb tahu normally during school terms break mesti ada activity kat tgh2 city tu utk budak2 sekolah... so mmg ada n it's all about robot.... bg aliff n aisyah main2 sat... had our lunch... then balik ler apa lg kan...
tu yg ptg kena dtg office tgk2 apa yg sesuai... . bila thesis nak siap nie... ada jer halnya.... ops hari nie pun cuti ANZAC day... ala2 hari pahlawan ler klu kat mesia........ tp dtg kejap kat office sbb ada hal sket....
Till then......... toodles........
p/s: actually this post was written on monday but there's a problem while trying to publish it so edit today n tak perasan that the date was meant for monday... takut2 terkonpius jer anyone who read this.....
Friday, April 21, 2006
Dah selamat
Can't wait to see my new nephew.... actually there's 2 baby that I hadn't have a chance to see yet... my sis in law's daughter that she delivered last year n this year, my sis's son... tu ler duk jauh2 asyik tertingal2 jer ngan events camni... whattodo.......
Have a nice weekend u'oals........
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
the friendship
Since kitaorg tak pernah pi umah diaorg even dah few times depa ajak... so baru2 nie pegi lah sbb tak lama lg nak balik dah.... sib baik dia hidangkn kek, chocs n biskut2 jer... maybe depa pun dah tahu byk jg apa yg blh n tak blh... lg pun we all pegi pun lps kul 2pm... just nice ler for tea time kan...
Yg terharunya... before balik Dot sempat offer.... nak tlg with my thesis... (dia dpt her professional doctorate lbh krg 2 thn lps kot... ) dia nak tlg tuk proof reading... sbb dia ckp dia somehow very good in proof reading... hmmm.... pucuk di cita ulam mendatang... tp really glad got to know them... so maybe lps nie diaorg plak visit we all kat mesia... n itulah plan depa... hopefully this friendships will last even nanti benua dah lain2....
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Holidays + study
Starting tomorrow till monday we gonna have a long weekend... cos they're celebrating Easter.... hmmmm I still can't get the idea about the egg n the rabbit... eventhough someone has explained it to me before.... whatevar lah... so in all supermkts we can see all sorts of chocs in the shape of eggs n rabbits.... comey jer tgk...
Aliff will be having his holidays (term break) for 2 weeks starting tomorrow..... hopefully can bring him somewhere during this break... (if everythin' permits)...
For the long weekend, i'm hoping I can finish part of my thesis.... I promised Peter to submit all the chapters to him before the middle of next mth.... ops dah fenin balik hehehehhe........
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Salam Maulidur Rasul
So to all muslims... salam maulidur rasul... semoga kita semua dpt mencontohi sifat2 rasul junjugan kita.... amin
Monday, April 10, 2006
7 years....
On this date
7 years ago
We're united
As a husband n wife
Started our journey together
And today
We're still together
With 2 more people
Cruising the journey
Together with us
I'm just hoping
All this will last
With the bless
From ALLAH swt
And loves from our heart...
Friday, April 07, 2006
Kereta dah siap direpair.... so melayang ler $$$$$.... tp ok ler since dah elok tu senang ler sket nak ke mn2 klu kebetulan both of us ada hal.... tu ler pasal last few weeks pendek sket my langkah hehehehehe........ so lps nie my laptop nya turn plak.... kat sini semua mahal klu nak repair apa2...tu kdg2 dr repair baik beli baru... like before our tv rosak dah ler rosaknya elok2 jer habis warranty... so instead of repair it... we just buy the new one cos harga repair tu sama jer ngan beli 1 tv baru.... tu pun yg repair kereta tu our fren gak..... his wife study kat sini... then dia mmg ada kepakaran repair merepair nie so mmg dia jadi mekanik ler while he's here.... so lega ler sket sbb klu oz yg repair mmg tersgt ler mahalnya... mcm2 caj ada nti.... nti repair laptop pun anto kat org2 kita gak.... murah sket n confidence pun lebih....
So, happy weekend u'oals....
Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Aliff n Aisyah enjoying their foods..... they said BBQ is part of Oz lifestyle... but when I came here that I enjoyed BBQing.... why? cos the preparation is sooo easy n simple... n of course yummylicious.... rosak diet(see the fats fr the sauseges...) ahaks.
Monday, April 03, 2006
Biarlah rahsia - CT
Friday, March 31, 2006
Kaput ler....
- our fridge - few mths back.... luckily it's easy to buy 2nd hands goods here... so just buy Quokka (papers that list all the 2nd hands items) n ring the seller... if the thing is gud buy it if not....
- our car - luckily we got the 2nd car... but it needs to be repaired shortly cos it'll be winter soon n our 2nd car doesn't have heater....
- our microwave - susah tak der microwave nih.... luckily the problem fix... had the 2nd hand replacement
- my lappy - maybe i need to change to the new hardisk.... ye lah nearly 4 yrs i'm using it n this is the first time it had a problem.... luckily (luckily lg hehehehe....) Peter (my SV) lend me his old lappy when i request that from him, for me to use at home.... sib baik...
What else huh..... hopefully no more ler after this.... n all that relates to $$$$$$.... so need to do/repair one at a time.... dah ler i'm no longer on scholarships.... when we talking bout all the things went kaput one by one.... hubby said....'tu ler suppose 3 1/2 yrs jer kat sini, so sume brg2 tu dah do their best'.... ops sy lg yg kena.... adoi lah....
Thursday, March 30, 2006
but why I can't focus,
I have my deadlines,
but why I can't stick to it,
I have my timelines,
but why I can't be bothered,
oh why?...why?...why?...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
In the headlines
Now tgh fenin sungguh ngan data analysis, tadi jumpa SV lg.... biasa ler during the meeting when he explained.... cam faham jer then bila discuss ngan member fenin balik... hmmm cam dah boring jer.... opsss... where's my FOCUS!!!!........ sigh...
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
But the feeling of me when I saw Malaysian competes, and with me now staying outside of the country.... hmmm fill in with the feeling of proud n excitement especially when we in the final round... like the other nights when Hidayat tried to put himself for the gold medal n he contended with the Oz guy... lg ler....
So we'll see in few days time... our beloved country in which places.... hmmmmm
Gambo budak happy
Monday, March 20, 2006
One happy boy....
Last night he doesn't have a chance to play with it.. cos it need to be charged.... supposed he can't play games on school days... tp kesian plak cos baru dpt kan... dia pun cam excited smcm jer, so pagi td tu ler yg di pegangnya... he asked to bring it to school for news... n i told him that he can't bring that to school but he can bring his pix with the Nintendo... so sibuk ler asked ibu to snap his pix then asked me where is the pix... laaa tak sabo2....
hmmm blh ler ibu tumpang main sekaki... since the console only comes with mario games... blh carik games yg more interesting hehehehe...
Monday, March 13, 2006
busy sosial + study...
so cam biasa... weekend busy ngan xtvt social yg harus dikurangkan ler afterwards.... saturday went to makcik's house... dr pagi ke mlm lg.... then sunday... went for crabbing which actually end up as a picnic ler cos tak der ketam....
so today ngan study balik... dok fenin ngan my data analysis... sib baik ada supervisor yg very helpfull.... br lps discuss ngan dia tadi.. so lega sat.. (sat jer tu... lps nie fenin balik)... hmmm so cam biasa gak.... FOCUS! FOCUS!....
Thursday, March 09, 2006
the series
At the library I searched for the author, and there is 6 items under her name.... all in all got 5 book titles.... unfortunately it's all on loan and 1 on reserved. Hmmm so maybe it's true enough that this series is fun n good to read. So I reserved 2 book. Kerja bertimbun sempat ker nak baca hehehehe... entah ler.... maybe dis is the book that my lil sis told me is very fun, easy n good, why?....cos she can finish reading it albeit it's in english.
Well we'll see.... till then..........
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Time to lift
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
the difference
Early this year if i'm not mistaken... there's a headline in the newspaper here about one of the female minister wearing a designer handbag (Channel rasanya)... n people dok argue maybe the minister's wages are too much kot that's why she can afford expensive handbags... can u imagine... she's not minister's wifey but she herself a minister.... lawak kan... n WA just appointed a new premier... when the press interviewed him at his home.... i asked hubby...'eh camtu jer umah dia....' tp tu ler the difference that i can see with the politicians here n back home.... kat sini menteri 'keja' tuk rakyat... entah ler....
Ops time to go... till then....